As we leave 2021 in the rearview and start fresh, it’s time to head back to the drawing board and figure out ways to spice up your marketing strategy for the months ahead.
Your marketing efforts help build your company’s reputation and boost sales. Insights gleaned from marketing will enable you to make decisions about your operations and stay ahead of the competition. Marketing can help you reach your target demographic and create paying customers. It’s vital to take time on a regular basis to review your marketing strategy and ditch components that aren’t yielding results, as well as test new ideas.
Our Town America has been helping small businesses add loyal customers since 1972. Over our 49-year history, we’ve garnered insights into successful marketing strategies. We know what converts and the steps small businesses can take to increase profits. Here are some ideas of fresh marketing strategies you need to consider adding to your advertising toolkit.
Text Ads. Americans spent five to six hours a day on their mobile devices in 2021. Businesses rely on texting to communicate everything from appointment times to prescription refills. If you aren’t already using texts as part of your marketing strategy, it’s time to get started. Customers prefer receiving texts about discounts, special offers, and loyalty promotions, a survey of more than 1,000 people revealed. Keep your message short and sweet and send it during regular business hours. Make sure to research new rules and regulations regarding text ads before getting started.
Focus on Content. Many small business owners establish themselves as authorities in their industry by using content marketing. Creating relevant content for your customers will help raise brand awareness and build relationships. At least 82 percent of people who work in marketing actively use content marketing for their clients. Content marketing can also help you take advantage of search engine optimization to increase traffic to your website. Not only is content marketing an effective tool to have in your arsenal, but it also costs less than traditional advertising and generates more leads, according to the Content Marketing Institute. Creating content can be a challenge for small-business owners who are already stretched for time. Taking time at the beginning of the year to create a content calendar will ensure your efforts don’t fizzle out as the months go by.
Make it Personal. Nearly 52 percent of the world’s population uses social media, spending at least 145 minutes scrolling on a daily basis. Social media helps small businesses get personal by putting a face on their business. It enables them to connect with customers to build brand loyalty. Make it a priority to include personal posts on your social media platforms. Showcase your employees, teach a lesson, don’t be afraid to add humor, and make sure to reply to customer comments.
Welcome New Movers. Direct mail remains a steadfast method for generating foot traffic and increasing sales. In addition to direct mail postcards, Our Town America helps businesses add loyal customers by targeting new movers. As part of our program, we welcome new residents to their community by sending them a Welcome Package filled with category-exclusive proven offers from local small businesses. New movers spend more on goods and services and have not formed loyalties to your competitors. Our Town America’s strategy gets customers through your doors, and the rest is up to you.
Create a Referral Program. In our digital world, small businesses that strive to create connections stand out from the crowd. Small businesses need to pay attention to what is happening in the lives of their customers to ensure their marketing message hits home. Being proactive and having the tools in place to receive customer feedback can help generate repeat business and increase profits. Creating a referral program is a simple way to connect with your customers. Rewarding loyal customers for spreading the word about your business is a win-win. Your loyal customers will be grateful for the accolade, and your sales will rise.
Go Back to Basics. Grassroots marketing helps people put a face to your business and raise brand awareness in person. As we all try to put the pandemic on the back burner, going back to the basics and attending community events or sponsoring sports teams can help get the word out to potential customers.
Form Loyalties With New Residents
If you are ready to create a marketing strategy that will help boost sales, contact Our Town America to find out more about how our new mover marketing program delivers results.
Brittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations.