Your marketing is underway whether you have a plan or not.
That sign above your store? That’s marketing. How you treat customers? That’s marketing. What your customers tell their friends? That’s marketing.
Unfortunately, many businesses do not have a formal marketing budget, as their hope is to not have to spend a significant amount on marketing. In fact, many businesses focus on simply maintaining status quo or have a goal to gain organic, slow growth. Some businesses may not even know how to plan and budget for marketing. And that’s okay. As a business owner, you can focus your energy on running your business and rest assured knowing you can leave your marketing up to the industry experts.
New Mover Marketing is inexpensive and employs the strategies experts know to bring great return on investment. Targeting new residents in your area with a free offer from your business allows you to:
- Target a specific market segment, rather than blanket the entire community with a mass mailer
- Bring in new customers consistently at an affordable budget
- Meet the unique needs of people who have just moved in
- Create customer relationships that translate into free, word-of-mouth advertising
In order to maximize your marketing dollar, you will want to partner with a New Mover Marketing company that allows you to set a predefined budget. This will ensure that you don’t spend more than you initially set aside.
Target a specific market segment
Find a marketing plan that targets an audience who is in need of what you’re selling. If you want to control marketing costs, tightly define who you want to market to. In order to save money and be sure that it’s effective, you must narrow it down to people with the specific attributes you’re looking to target.
New Mover Marketing allows you to reach a niche audience. Targeting new movers in the ZIP Code or neighborhood where your business is located, as well as surrounding ZIP Codes, is a great way to attract new customers while keeping marketing costs to a minimum.
Our Town America specializes in New Mover Marketing; we mail a Welcome Package containing one-time-use Gift Certificates to new residents, which they then redeem at local businesses for a free housewarming gift.
It's important to note, that timing is vital in New Mover Marketing. If you arrive too early, your marketing piece can easily get swallowed up in the chaos of the move. If you arrive too late, the new movers may have already established relationships with your competition. After 45 years of experience, Our Town America has perfected the timing so new movers receive their Welcome Package at just the right time.
You also want to choose a New Mover Marketing program that offers exclusivity. If you own a Dental practice, you want to be the only Dental Practice featured in your area. Most New Mover Marketing organizations will feature multiple dentists, several dry cleaners, three or four auto repair shops, etc. Category exclusivity will ensure that you 'lock out your competition' so that your business stands out and makes a great first impression.
Bring in more customers at an Affordable Budget
As mentioned earlier, some New Mover Marketing companies, like Our Town America, have a budgeting program allowing you to spend only what you can comfortably budget each month. Our Town America’s Budget Billing program gives you the ability to set a specific dollar amount that you can plan on spending each and every month. For instance, if you wish, you can budget more for the summer months when moving numbers are on the rise.
According to the Small Business Chronicle, once small business owners know who is going to buy their goods, the next step is to design marketing material to draw them in.
Relying on professionals to handle your marketing saves time and money. Our Town America, the leading New Mover Marketing company, knows how to run a successful marketing campaign that gets a steady stream of new customers up off their couch and in your door.
Meet the unique needs of customers
Businesses that meet the needs of their customers will see them return repeatedly, thus multiplying the return on their marketing dollar. If you are marketing locally, try targeting new movers, a group of customers with unique needs.
According to market research group Epsilon, the average new homeowner spends nearly $10,000 establishing their new home. They are in the market for furniture, gardening equipment, groceries, kitchen equipment, landscaping, paint, etc. New movers also need to find a new local auto repair shop, a barbershop, dry cleaners, a pharmacy or grocery store, a dentist, and other services.
Businesses that can provide new movers with the goods and services they need post-move should consider cost-effective New Mover Marketing. New residents are low-hanging fruit as they are in need during this traumatic, life-altering time of their lives.
Building on customer relationships
A fact of business life: Happy customers bring in more customers. Every business owner hopes to reach a point where their great reputation brings a constant flow of new customers.
Gift certificates in new mover Welcome Packages help businesses build a customer following. This requires a modest, upfront cost. However, when a restaurant offers a new mover a free entrée, the new mover feels obligated to return and buy a full meal. A beauty shop offering a free hair coloring for new customers will most likely see those customers return.
It’s up to the business owner to develop relationships with customers who walk through their business’ front door. It doesn’t cost anything to greet customers warmly, ask where they moved from, and how they like their new neighborhood. These are great conversation starters and help you cement relationships.
Educating customers about the products they are interested in is another great way to create loyalty.
Another way to make sure you get the most bang for your buck is by selecting a program that offers a “second touch” in the form of a follow-up mailing, such as a "Thank You! Postcard". It’s quite powerful, offering the customer a free gift and then, shortly after, a personalized “Thank You!” in the mail just for dropping by. It makes for a special connection with the new mover who is hoping to make new friends in their adopted neighborhood.
The second mailing can also be a great opportunity to offer a frequent buyer rewards card to encourage these new customers to return to your store again and again.
Educating customers about the products they are interested in is another great way to create loyalty. A men’s retail store, for instance, can educate customers on how to buy a quality suit, while a salon can educate customers on finding the safest hair coloring. Customers find this information valuable.
A great customer experience isn’t just for new customers. By reducing client defections, a business can greatly increase their profitability.
With great customer service, word-of-mouth happens naturally, providing business owners with a powerful marketing campaign. You can also ask customers and vendors to refer other customers to your business and, in return, reward those customers, perhaps with a discounted product or service.
Make sure to compare all options of a New Mover Marketing company, including budgeting, tracking, targeting, and data reports, as well as the ability to collect honest feedback from the new mover’s first experience at your business. This will help you decide which New Mover Marketing company offers you the best, most cost-effective solution that will make the most of your budget.
Once a new mover visits your business, it’s up to you to create a great customer experience that will drive them to recommend you to their neighbors. And that kind of marketing is priceless!
John is a guest blogger for Our Town America and previously worked in national sales at our Clearwater, FL corporate headquarters.