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Our Town America Top Franchise 2016

Our Town America Franchise Business Review 2016 Top Franchise

Prior to investing in a franchise, it’s crucial you spend time to determine if franchising is right for you and which franchise best meets your business and personal objectives. A great place to begin your research is by reading the Franchise Business Review Top Franchises 2016 Report, which takes you through factors you need to consider in order to give you confidence in your decision. […]

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Bassam Safi Moves to America with a Dream and Opens his Own Franchise

Bassam Safi Our Town America

Lebanese-American Bassam Safi came to America years ago without a college degree, little understanding of the English language, and a dream. He worked excruciatingly long hours making and delivering pizzas for a small Domino’s Pizza location just to make ends meet. However, he knew he was destined for more and his persistence has more than paid off. He has realized his dreams of business ownership with Our Town America, the nation’s premiere new mover marketing company. […]

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Our Town America The Valley on ABC for Small Business Saturday

Our Town America Giving Back

This year for Small Business Saturday, the shopping holiday held to encourage consumers to patronize small and local businesses, Susan Nagi of Our Town America The Valley took it upon herself to head out to the busy streets of the Phoenix/Tempe area in her Our Town America-branded car to thank small business owners for all they do for the community.  Click Play on the  video below to watch Susan on ABC 15 Arizona. […]

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Career Sales & Marketing Exec. Launches Our Town America The Triangle

Our Town America The Triangle Raleigh, North Carolina

PRWeb (November 2015) – Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise, has announced its third North Carolina location on October 7th in Raleigh. This is big news as the Our Town America business model, a direct mail marketing program specializing in delivering warm community welcome packages filled with free offers for new residents, is a perfect fit for The Triangle – a fast-growing region filled with local businesses eager to develop loyal relationships with new customers. Sally Hanson and Roger Osborn were inspired to open the newest Our Town America location in Raleigh and Chapel Hill because they believe the area is poised for long-term, sustainable growth. And according to Hanson, she believes no other direct mail marketing program does a better job helping small businesses acquire new, loyal customers. “I’ve been in sales and marketing for more than 30 years, but it wasn’t until I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal featuring my friends Mike & Julie Fisher from Our Town America of Tampa that I decided to take the plunge as a small business owner,” Hanson said, “Roger and I have been in The Triangle for 20 years and have witnessed first hand the tremendous growth. Never before has there been such a great opportunity to connect the great local businesses here with their new neighbors in the Triangle.” Statistics suggest that new mover marketing has never been more powerful as moving is back on the rise – more than 40 million Americans are expected to move this year – and new movers need a helping hand from local business owners more than ever before. Consider the following from a recent survey of more than 300 Americans who have moved in the past five years: ●    More than 53% of new movers say today’s neighbors are not as friendly as the neighbors they remember as a child because they “seem too busy.” ●    Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) new movers say that receiving a housewarming gift would make them feel more comfortable in a new neighborhood, yet less than half (46%) have ever received a housewarming gift after a move. ●    More than 4 in 5 (81%) of new movers say they would like advice about their new community upon move in. ●    And 93% of new movers say they would take advantage of an offer from a local business that took the time to welcome them to the community. According to Michael Plummer, Jr., Our Town America’s President and CEO, the commitment shared by all franchisees in the Our Town America family to satisfy the housewarming void with warm and personalized community welcome packages filled with valuable offers from local businesses has been the key to the company’s expansion to 59 locations in 23 states since its initial inception in 1972. “Sally and Roger are a perfect fit for the Our Town America franchise family and we are confident they’ll thrive in the booming Raleigh market,” says Plummer. “The pair has lived in Raleigh for more than twenty years and they bring decades of sales and marketing experience to the table as our newest franchisees. That’s a recipe for success as they know their community extremely well and possess the business acumen required to implement our business model effectively. We are eager to see the impact Sally and Roger make in their local community as they work with local businesses to help new movers feel more comfortable and welcomed in their new neighborhood.” Serving all types of businesses, including, but not limited to, pizzerias, salons, auto repair shops, dentists, restaurants, and furniture stores, Our Town America has established itself as the industry leader offering local small business marketing that connects local businesses with new residents as soon as they come to town. The company has been franchising since 2005 and has been the proud recipient of countless Franchise Business Review distinctions, including a Top 100 award for veterans in franchising and the Franchise Business Review Top Company Award – an honor bestowed upon only one franchise company per decade who has earned a top 50 franchisee satisfaction award for ten straight years. To contact Sally and Roger of Our Town America The Triangle, you can fill out a Contact Form or call 919-349-7611. Read press release on PRWeb. Source: PRWeb   Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Local Foodies Launch Our Town America of Greater St. Petersburg

Our Town America St. Petersburg, FL | New Mover Marketing

PRWeb (October 2015) – Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise, has announced its third Florida location on October 5th in St. Petersburg. This is big news as the Our Town America business model, a direct mail marketing program specializing in delivering warm community welcome packages filled with free offers for new residents, is a perfect fit for St. Petersburg – a fast-growing city filled with local businesses eager to develop loyal relationships with new customers. Melissa Nelson and Steve Schroeder were inspired to open the newest Our Town America location in St. Petersburg because they believe the city is poised for long-term, sustainable growth. And according to Schroeder, they believe no other direct mail marketing program does a better job helping small businesses acquire new, loyal customers. “We fell in love with the local restaurants here when we first visited in 2013, but when we returned a year later, many of them were gone. St. Petersburg has traditionally relied on seasonal visitors to survive, making the summer months difficult. We wanted to own a business that could help these small businesses survive those leaner times,” Schroeder said. “The economy is improving and more people are moving down here permanently. Our Town America of Greater St. Petersburg will help local businesses connect with these new residents and establish relationships for the long term, turning slow seasons into growth seasons and growth seasons into booms.” Statistics suggest that new mover marketing has never been more powerful as moving is back on the rise – more than 40 million Americans are expected to move this year – and new movers need a helping hand from local business owners more than ever before. Consider the following from a recent survey of more than 300 Americans who have moved in the past five years: ●    More than 53% of new movers say today’s neighbors are not as friendly as the neighbors they remember as a child because they “seem too busy.” ●    Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) new movers say that receiving a housewarming gift would make them feel more comfortable in a new neighborhood, yet less than half (46%) have ever received a housewarming gift after a move. ●    More than 4 in 5 (81%) of new movers say they would like advice about their new community upon move in. ●    And 93% of new movers say they would take advantage of an offer from a local business that took the time to welcome them to the community. According to Michael Plummer, Jr., Our Town America’s President and CEO, the commitment shared by all franchisees in the Our Town America family to satisfy the housewarming void with warm and personalized community welcome packages filled with valuable offers from local businesses has been the key to the company’s expansion to 59 locations in 23 states since its initial inception in 1972. “Melissa and Steve are going to do an excellent job with their new Our Town America franchise because they truly understand the value of our new mover marketing program,” says Plummer. “As a couple who recently moved to St. Petersburg, they understand how important it is for local businesses to connect with new movers as soon as they come to town. Plus, they realize that the St. Petersburg/ Tampa area is evolving from a vacation destination to a desirable place to live permanently. And as more and more Americans relocate to St. Petersburg, Melissa and Steve will be there to help local businesses connect with them in meaningful ways. We are eager to see the impact Melissa and Steve make in their local community as they work with local businesses to help new movers feel more comfortable and welcomed in their new neighborhood.” Serving all types of businesses, including, but not limited to, pizzerias, salons, auto repair shops, dentists, restaurants, and furniture stores, Our Town America has established itself as the industry leader offering local small business marketing that connects local businesses with new residents as soon as they come to town. The company has been franchising since 2005 and has been the proud recipient of countless Franchise Business Review distinctions, including a Top 100 award for veterans in franchising and the Franchise Business Review Top Company Award – an honor bestowed upon only one franchise company per decade who has earned a top 50 franchisee satisfaction award for ten straight years. To contact Melissa and Steve of Our Town America of Greater St. Petersburg, you can fill out a Contact Form or call (727) 490-8155. Read press release on PRWeb. Source: PRWeb Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Technological Progression Leads New Mover Marketing Industry

Our Town America Franchise Technological Progression

Franchising USA (July 2015) – Our Town America began the year with a projected goal of adding 20 new franchise units in 2015 and, after just one month, had signed six new franchise agreements – expanding their presence into a half dozen new markets across the United States. Since then, Our Town America has shown no sign of slowing down.  Three week-long new franchise-training classes have taken place since January, positioning the franchise closer to their 20-unit goal. The commotion surrounding Our Town America, the nation’s first New Mover Direct Mail Marketing franchise, can be attributed in part to their technological abilities and forward progression – proving repeatedly why they’re still the industry leader. “It all started 43 years ago with my father’s small family business in Iowa and Nebraska,” says Our Town America President and CEO, Michael Plummer Jr. “This being a part of my family since I was born, I may think of franchising a bit differently than others.  The reason we initially went into franchising wasn’t merely to grow – we were doing very well.  It was for the simple reason of helping others have a hand in controlling their own destiny and providing an income and service to their community that they could be proud of.” The company began franchising in 2005 providing entrepreneurs nationwide with the opportunity to help new movers feel welcomed into their community, as well as help local businesses gain new loyal customers every month. In 2003, Our Town America announced their one-of-a-kind electronic survey, completed by thousands of new movers every year across the country, providing businesses with incalculable feedback on their product/ service. They familiarized the industry with electronic respondent lists and new mover loyalty programs and introduced social integration giving businesses the opportunity to increase social media page traffic and drive revenue. Our Town America’s cost-friendly marketing program also includes a second follow-up mailer, a unique feature in comparison to similar franchise’s new mover programs. The second mailer is prompted by an automated system – a smartphone/ tablet app called Our Town TruTrak®, available on both the Apple Store and Google Play Store.  Our Town America was the first in their industry to offer response rate tracking by way of 2D barcode, which can be accessed through their app as well. Separate from their new mover program, Our Town America’s Intuitive Marketing program provides businesses with the ability to target particular demographics year round by way of customizable direct mail postcards.  Special event mailings such as: birthdays, grand openings, etc. are supported by this program. In 2014, the franchise unveiled another technological breakthrough.  Our Town America became the only new mover direct mail marketing program to offer postal carrier route targeting.  The option to demographically focus by neighborhood, rather than full zip codes, is cutting-edge technology in their industry. The franchise is also a USPS Every Door Direct Mail® vendor allowing businesses to saturate entire neighborhoods without the need for a mailing list and, again, presenting the ability to target by postal carrier route. But it’s not only their ever-progressing technological abilities and continual growth that make this renowned franchise attractive.  After 43 years of business, one thing that hasn’t changed is Our Town America’s dedication to their franchisees. “I love to see our franchise owners achieving their financial and personal dreams,” says Plummer.  “Witnessing the successes out there in our system is what does my father’s legacy proud and what I’m honored to be able to continue to steward into more communities.” The business model allows franchisees to work from home and be active members within their communities.  Our Town America offers the largest territories in the industry and, with no need for build-outs, storefronts or inventory expenses – the initial required investment has landed them a top spot in the Franchisee Business Review (FBR) Low-Cost Report four years in a row. Rankings and recognition within the franchising industry also verify Our Town America’s spot as the leader in their industry. In January 2015, FBR revealed their annual Top 200 Franchises list and, for the tenth consecutive year, Our Town America was ranked a Top 50 Franchise – making them the only Advertising and Sales franchise in the ten-year Hall of Fame. At February’s IFA Convention, Our Town America was crowned FBR’s All-time Top Company – a pioneer for the award, which will be presented only once every ten years. And, while the franchise is ranked number two in the Under 50 Units category in this year’s Top Franchise report, this year’s new franchises have promoted Our Town America to 57 units – bringing the new mover program to markets in Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Jersey, Ohio and Tennessee. Today, Our Town America can be found in 23 total U.S. states and, if their track record and technological capabilities prove just one thing, it’s that this franchise has no plan of regressing from their spot as the leader of the new mover marketing industry. Interested in Our Town America? Complete a Franchise Application or explore New Mover Marketing. By Brittany N. Johnson Read article in Franchising USA July 2015 Issue, Pg. 20-22.       Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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From Corporate America to Owning a Business

Owning A Business Our Town America

The Wall Street Journal (July 2015) – It is awful to see your spouse under stress at work. It is worse still to have to hear about it every night. Partners want to be able to talk and hear about each other’s work lives, but complaining about problems at work can morph into a rant, robbing a partner of rest and relaxation. Negative emotion spilling from work into home life can actually make job problems worse, research shows. Mike Fisher took comfort in talking with his wife Julie about heavy stress on a previous job years ago, when a new boss was showering him with criticism. “Julie would hear about it every night when I got home,” he says. Ms. Fisher admits she sometimes tuned out, but she also listened and encouraged him. When Mr. Fisher developed high blood pressure and ulcers, she helped him decide to quit, telling him, “It’s not worth it. Life is too short,” says Ms. Fisher, who now works with her husband in their own business, Our Town America, a Tampa, Fla., direct-marketing company. Complaining becomes a problem when it goes on too long, says Patricia Pitta, a Manhasset, N.Y., clinical psychologist. Most job troubles aren’t easily resolved, yet “the person who’s in distress just wants to keep talking about it because they’re feeling so uncomfortable. And before you know it, it’s 10 p.m.,” she says. A negative mood can be contagious. Marie Osborne says that when her husband Nathan often came home frustrated and angry from a previous job several years ago, she sometimes felt like snapping at him. “You sometimes want to just say, ‘Quit your job!’ ” says Ms. Osborne, a San Diego blogger on family and faith. She made an effort to be empathetic, reminding herself that her husband had supported her during difficult times in the past, and her husband soon found a job he likes. Spouses often want to give advice. Kathy Murray, a former chief financial officer, used to respond to her husband Doug’s complaints about his job years ago by telling him to network more or knock on more doors, says Ms. Murray, of Santa Ana, Calif. Mr. Murray says that wasn’t helpful. He respects his wife’s skills, but she didn’t understand his work as a financial-products sales representative. “I’d come home from work trying to figure out how to hold it together until the next paycheck, and instead of having a cheerleader, I’d have a coach,” Mr. Murray says. He began retreating alone to his man cave in the garage to watch TV. Ms. Murray says she learned to stop giving advice and start listening to her husband with empathy. Mr. Murray says her support lent him confidence and helped him become successful on the job. “There’s an enormous temptation to step in and fix it somehow,” when that is not what a mate wants, says Laura Doyle, a Newport Beach, Calif., relationship coach whose book, “The Surrendered Wife,” helped Ms. Murray change her behavior. Listening and simply saying, “I hear you,” satisfies a spouse’s “deep need to be heard and understood,” says Ms. Doyle. Showing empathy doesn’t mean you agree or that you’re obligated to do anything different. It just means you “get it.” Feeling understood often helps people feel stronger or see new solutions. While research links unhappy marriages to increased anger at work, employees in happy marriages aren’t as affected emotionally by negative work events, according to a 2015 research review of 85 studies by researchers at the University of Georgia. Brandon Tenney hated seeing his wife Miranda unhappy in a job at a manufacturing plant, says Mr. Tenney, president of MilliCare, a commercial carpet and textile-cleaning company in Omaha, Neb. He encouraged her to “stick with it and you’ll get through it,” reassuring her that she wouldn’t have to stay in the job for long. Ms. Tenney says she was comforted. The experience motivated her to support him in buying his own business in 2012, and she later joined him there as chief executive. A spouse should ask a mate’s permission before switching to a problem-solving role, says David Maxfield, a vice president at VitalSmarts, a Provo, Utah, research and training firm, and co-author of three books on influencing others’ behavior. “Sometimes the spouse will say, ‘No, I have it all worked out,’ and sometimes they’ll say, “OK, that’s exactly what I need,’ ” he says. Some spouses find themselves in the awkward position of wanting to side with the boss who is angering their mate. Doing so is likely to put the partner on the defensive. “Happy couples cultivate an us-against-them mentality,” says Joshua Coleman, co-chairman of the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit research group. Attempted solutions should be delivered gently, such as, “I’m not sure you’re hearing it in exactly the right way,” says Dr. Coleman, author of “The Marriage Makeover.” Take a neutral approach by asking questions such as, “What do you think your boss was thinking?” or, “What could cause him or her to do that?” Psychologists advise setting limits on time spent complaining; recommendations vary from 5 to 30 minutes. A listening spouse should speak up when feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, Dr. Pitta says. After work, “people should avoid coming in right away and dumping on their mate,” says Kathy Dawson, a Cleveland relationship coach. Take a few minutes to change clothes or relax. She also counsels couples to ask each other whether it is a good time to talk and to learn to describe problems briefly. “It takes practice to get good at saying what’s really bothering you” in just a few words, she says. When Patrick and Annie Flaherty’s relationship was strained by talk about work, Ms. Dawson coached them to check in with each other before venting. “At night, I can turn and look at him, or he’ll look at me and say, ‘No business. I need an hour,’ and there’s no penalty. I don’t feel shut down, and he doesn’t feel […]

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Our Town America Top Low-Cost Franchise 2015

Our Town America Top Low Cost Investment

Franchise Business Review (June 2015) – For their 2015 Top Low-Cost Franchises Report, Franchise Business Review surveyed over 9,200 franchisees from 132 different brands to identify the top low-cost franchises with the most satisfied franchisees. Our Town America is ranked the #7 franchise in this comprehensive list of businesses under $100k. Our Town America is the leading Advertising franchise on the list and one of only five franchises to hold a spot on the Low-Cost List each year since the Franchise Business Review launched a decade ago. If you’re interested in purchasing a low-cost franchise that will enable you to be your own boss, page 8 is a great place to begin. Access the FREE Low-Cost Report HERE. Complete an application to franchise with Our Town America or Contact Us us for more information.   Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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A Franchisee Who’s Given Warm Welcomes for 10 Years

Our Town America Entrepreneur Sondra Conk

Entrepreneur (June 2015) – Sondra Conk’s warm and welcoming personality was a natural fit when Our Town America first began franchising ten years ago; in fact, Conk grabbed the company’s first franchise, in Sarasota, Florida. She was already a sales rep for the company, which connects local businesses with people just moving into new communities. And before that, Conk had worked for two other welcome services. But in ten years, she hasn’t looked back. She praises Our Town’s great product and comprehensive franchisee training program. How long have you owned a franchise? I actually purchased the first Our Town America franchise when they started franchising in 2005. I’m currently celebrating my 10-year anniversary, along with Our Town America’s franchise 10th anniversary. I can’t believe how fast these past years have gone. I just signed my renewal agreement for ten more years and I am eagerly looking forward to our next ten years together! Why franchising? A good franchise is based on a successful business model, which Our Town America had had for over 30 years when I bought my franchise in 2005. One of the main assets of owning a franchise like Our Town America is the flexibility of your time. I work smarter, not harder, so that I have time to spend with my family, take a vacation or even manage my own outside activities around my business appointments. The ability to be your own boss is such a valuable benefit of owning a franchise. What were you doing before you became a franchise owner? I had worked for a welcome service, when I first moved to Sarasota, for about four years but got discouraged with their specific product. I left but continued in outside sales and marketing. Eventually, I began working for another well-known competitor, but soon discovered that yet another company had bought both welcome services and put the name of my recent employer on the one I had worked for previously. Now I was selling the same thing I had sold years before, which was a disappointment. Timing is everything, and soon I had an opportunity to meet with Our Town America. I was so impressed with everything, from the product to the comprehensive franchise training program, that I started working as a sales representative right away. Better yet, my previous clients were just as impressed, so it didn’t take much persuading to switch them over to Our Town America! Why did you choose this particular franchise? Finding the right franchise is very important. However, because I was already working for Our Town America when they started franchising, I jumped at the opportunity and bought the first franchise. I knew it was already successful, and my clients were very happy with the response and service. In fact, I have clients that have been with me for my whole 13-year tenure. One of the reasons I purchased an Our Town America franchise was that it’s a recession-proof business. People are and always will be moving, and businesses are always looking to capture these new families. It proved to be the right decision during the Great Recession. My numbers went down, but the business was still profitable. Today, real estate is booming and families are moving. My franchise is in Sarasota, Florida, and the boomers want to retire in the sunshine, so Our Town America welcomes them with our warm welcoming package and free offers from local businesses. I can honestly say it’s been the best investment of my life. How much would you estimate you spent before you were officially open for business? As Our Town America’s first franchisee ten years ago, I lucked out on the cost. I was able to purchase my franchise for around $50,000. Because the Our Town America franchise model is home-based, I was able to avoid real estate/construction costs associated with opening a new business. It was a huge relief to not have to worry about build-outs, storefronts or inventory expenses. I attended the training course and also learned the business operation side. When I returned home, I set up everything for the business to work out of my home. Years later, I invested in a small office and an administrative assistant to help lighten the load, but many [other] franchisees work from home. Where did you get most of your advice/do most of your research? Well, of course I worked with an attorney to get advice, but as I mentioned, having previously been in the industry, I knew what the issues were with welcoming services. To give business clients a good product that delivers real results, along with services and fair pricing, is key. Our Town America is a respectable and appreciated service for both patrons and local businesses. The product is beautiful and unique. And, as our partnered businesses and years of data will demonstrate, both the results and the pricing are unbeatable. These truths helped me make my decision. The integrity and values of the company and of its president still hold true today. What were the most unexpected challenges of opening your franchise? Going from being a salesperson to a franchise owner and having to do everything myself, I found buying a franchise a wake-up call. Self-discipline and time management were the biggest challenges. There is always a learning process as new products and systems are introduced. I was very challenged when the company was computerized. So, since my forte is selling, I hired an administrative assistant that could help with these types of things. That was a perfect solution: Delegate! What advice do you have for individuals who want to own their own franchise? Try to find a franchise in a field you are familiar with or, even better, can feel excited and passionate about. I have owned two franchises. Both were very different. I once owned a bookstore franchise, which was a retail operation where my retail background and love of books were the main reasons I chose the franchise. With Our Town America, I had experience selling a concept I felt passionate about, and […]

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Veteran-Owned Franchise Connecting Communities Nationwide

our town america franchise connecting community

Franchising USA (May 2015) – For families who have just moved into a new community, finding all new services like salons, pizza joints, doctors, dentists and even hairstylists can be daunting. That’s where Our Town America steps in, connecting those new arrivals with the businesses that want to extend a warm welcome and gain new customers. “Our organization essentially connects those new families with those businesses who need them,” president Michael Plummer Jr. said during a recent interview from the company’s headquarters in Pinellas Park, just outside Tampa, FL. The company has been in operation since 1972 and is family owned, with Plummer having taken over the operations of the company from his father, who started it. Late Franchising Bloomer While the company has been around for a number of decades, it actually only started franchising in 2005. Prior to franchising, it issued licenses to people to use the brand. These were generally people that Plummer’s father knew throughout the decades and all those licensees are now franchisees. “Franchising proved to be practical for Our Town America in 2003 when we went through a major technological upgrade, switching to variable printing,” Plummer said. After that, they started the process of becoming a franchise business in 2004 and by 2005 were legally able to start franchising. Now, the company boasts 55 franchisees positioned all over the country, but focused mainly in the Mid-West and on the East Coast. On the Move “Our Town America has locations available across the country,” Plummer said. “This is one franchise that can be successful in smaller markets as its success is largely dependent on the number of movers.” Considering that 17 – 20% of Americans relocate each year, there will always be a lot of potential new customers for businesses to reach out to in their area. For families who are new to a community, it’s a great welcoming gift. Even if people are only moving to the next town, they still have to find all new services in that new town. And Our Town America helps those businesses connect with new potential customers. “We’re the personal invitation for the businesses to stand out from the crowd,” Plummer said. So, a salon could put a gift certificate in the Our Town America package for a free haircut. The new family is then personally welcomed to their new neighborhood by the salon with the free haircut and likely to become a loyal customer. Looking for Relationship Builders Because the company is all about facilitating relationships —between recently relocated families and businesses, as well as between those businesses and Our Town America — Plummer is looking for franchisees who are not only sales oriented, but who really understand the importance of these relationships. “What we really want is a relationship maker, a networker, a community builder, someone who is able to connect with people,” he said. Some of his most successful franchisees have a background in retail, marketing or sales. “Those who connect and communicate well with others do great with our franchise model.” Getting Specific Over the years, Plummer has found that the newly arrived families are more apt to open the welcome packages as it’s not perceived as everyday advertising – but as housewarming gifts. In addition to targeting newly arrived families, Our Town America also provides their clients the option of targeting by various demographics. For example, Plummer said that a rent-to-own business could use Our Town America to specifically target new arrivals within a five mile radius who have an income level of over $50,000 and who are between the ages of 20-40. Any new arrivals that fit that profile would be targeted, while those who did not would not be targeted. Support and Training “Sales people should be out there selling,” Plummer said. “Which is why Our Town America wants to make things as simple as possible for new franchisees.” The company offers assistance in the way of production, creating graphics, creating invoices and even setting up appointments with business owners. Ideally, Plummer wants them to primarily concentrate on connecting with local businesses. Veteran-Owned In addition to being family-owned, Our Town America is also veteran-owned, as Plummer was a combat medic with the United States Army from 1997 – 2001. For any honorably discharged veterans, he gives a $10,000 discount on the franchising fee. For anyone looking to invest in a home-based franchise business offering flexibility and a steady income, Our Town America offers just the thing. Apply online by filling out a Franchise Application. View article in Franchising USA’s Veterans in Franchising, Pg. 13-14.   Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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