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Over 3,000 People have Moved to Greenville in 2021 Already

Market to People Moving to Greenville, SC

CBS | Greenville, SC – Experts say the city of Greenville has become what is now known as a “Zoom Town.” Remote workers from states such as New York and California are moving miles away to the city of Greenville in search of more affordable living while still keeping their high salaries. A new mover marketing company that’s tracking this trend said they’ve gathered data for clients that shows that over 3,000 people have moved to the city so far this year. “Rent is just so high in the bigger cities,” Mandy Cline, spokesperson for Our Town America, said, “Now that remote work is so accessible for people, they can keep these high paying jobs and come to a city like Greenville.” Some residents are concerned about how this large influx of people with higher incomes will impact the local economy and housing costs in the area. The city of Greenville said regardless of the amount of zoom transplants moving to the city, leaders will stick to their mission outlined in the 2040 plan — providing more options for affordable housing. “The council’s commitment remains the same,” Beth Brotherton, Director of Communications and Neighborhood Relations for The City of Greenville said, “We’re going to have affordable housing here. We’re going to have green space and we’re going to make sure there’s a way for people to get around and enjoy what already exists in these existing neighborhoods and what might develop as a result.” Some experts say natives should see this as a positive change. This could lead to a housing boom in the city and outskirts of town and an increase in spending at small businesses. Our Town America connects new movers with local businesses by way of new mover marketing year round. If you’re a local Greenville business looking to reach new movers to invite them to your business, contact Amy Garner at ‭864-670-9332‬. If your business is located outside Greenville, SC, you can reach the Our Town America Corporate offices at 1-800-497-8360 to be connected with your local representative. Source: Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Moving Homes, The Covid-19 Pandemic and a Big Cashout!

2019 New Mover Survey Winner Shylia Perez of Woodland, CA

Right before the Covid-19 pandemic swept the nation, a Woodland, CA resident was informed that she won $3,000 for completing the New Mover Survey by Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise. Every year, Our Town America awards just one new mover out of the millions mailed the previous year. How is the winner selected? While roughly 5 million new movers are mailed a Welcome Package each year, Our Town America narrows it down by drawing a name out of the tens of thousands of new movers who complete the New Mover Survey. In 2020, Shylia Perez was that lucky respondent. Perez was thrilled when she was notified in February that she would be taking home a $3,000 check as she had never won anything!  She was looking forward to celebrating her winnings and putting the money back into her local economy. How does the winner receive the $3,000? This is the fun part, right? The local Our Town America owner schedules a meet up at one of their partnered local businesses that originally welcomed the new mover to the community. What better way to welcome someone than to introduce them to other community members AND award them with $3,000 to spend or save how they see fit. Perez and David Frisch, Sacramento’s local Our Town America owner, had a plan to meet at Woodland’s own Country Waffles on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit and California lockdowns were heavily enforced. So instead, Frisch mailed Perez her $3,000 check – after all, we know best how critical it is to check your mailbox! 🙂 They promised to meet once things calmed down a bit. “It was so cool to win this! Lockdown in CA began soon after moving into our new home, so the $3,000 cash from Our Town America came at a critical time,” said Perez. “The unexpected housewarming package full of free offers for local businesses was generous enough, and then a few months later I won the drawing for simply sharing my feedback! I used the money to take a trip to Texas to visit and care for my Mom after she was in a terrible accident. I can’t thank Our Town America enough. The world needs more of this!” Many months later, Shylia and family were finally able to meet Frisch in front of Country Waffles Restaurant – masked up and outside in fresh air! Our Town America is happy to bring joy to new movers and local business owners – especially during this stressful time. Frisch is committed to his local community and wants both Woodland new movers and local business owners to know that he is here to help local businesses thrive through our multiple direct mail programs. With a decrease of people exploring their local communities on a whim, this is an opportune time to try new mover marketing, as well as postcard marketing (Saturation or Targeted). These methods reach out to consumers without them having to leave their home, which is key – especially now. If community members are not roaming the streets, guide them to your business by reaching them where they feel most safe and comfortable – their home! Housewarming traditions aren’t going anywhere. After 49 years, we are proof of how important it is for local business owners to reach out to new movers who appreciate a helping hand in their new community. Moving is expensive. Local businesses need support. Our Town America is the solution. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Gift Certificates Open the Door to New Customers

Gift Certificates Open the Door to New Customers Our Town America

To help draw new customers through your doors, consider offering gift certificates, rather than coupons, to attract new residents. Every business owner understands the value of doling out coupons. The discounts encourage new customers to visit your establishment, introduce new product lines, and help shed excess inventory, according to Investopedia, an online investing resource. But, offering coupons has a downside. Coupons cost your business money, and customers might wait to make purchases until they have another coupon. Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing company, has an easy solution designed to ramp up profits and get new customers into your location. Rather than coupons, Our Town America appeals to new residents by offering an upscale Welcome Package that won’t get tossed in the recycle bin. The tasteful Welcome Package is oversized and designed to stand out from mundane mail. Plus, the offers included in the package are chosen because they line up with the needs of a recipient – therefore increasing the response rate. Every Welcome Package includes free one-time-use gifts, not repeat coupons. “A housewarming gift that includes proven special offers for local businesses will help welcome new residents to the neighborhood,” said Michael Plummer Jr., President and Chief Executive of Our Town America. “We encourage our partnered businesses to follow up on their welcome gifts with a thank-you postcard to keep their business top-of-mind with busy new residents.” People who purchase a new home typically open their wallets as they work to make their new residence a home, according to the National Association of Home Builders. For the first two years after closing on a new house, homeowners spend an average of $7,400 more than existing community members, $4,900 of it being spent in the first year after purchase, NAHB reported. While a big portion of expenditures are on appliances, furniture, and home repairs, new residents also spend the first few months in their new home running errands and learning where to buy groceries, take their pets, get dental work, order pizza, and more. New movers have no established habits or loyalties, making them an impressionable audience for businesses looking for new customers. Including New Mover Marketing in your advertising strategy makes it possible to reach a brand new, broad audience every single month. “Every time we add a new store, it’s a great decision,” said Tiffany Downing of Broadway Pizza in Maple Grove, Minnesota. “It depends on the market, but we get about 10-60 redemptions per month. We are seeing that people are spending more than we give in the certificate.” In case you’re still unsure whether implementing New Mover Marketing is the right choice for your business, here are some of the benefits of gift certificates. Advantages of Gift Certificates Keep your business top-of-mind New residents are busy unpacking boxes, painting, arranging furniture, and planting gardens. They are looking for easy, cost-effective options when out in their new community. Our Town America’s upscale Welcome Package is personalized and positioned as a welcoming gift to new residents, so is perceived by the customer as hospitality, not advertising. Help your business add loyal customers Gift certificates provide an extra incentive to try a new business risk-free, putting the local business at the top of the list. If you offer a free medium pizza on your gift certificate, hungry new residents will want to place an order as they unpack boxes and organize their new home. As an added bonus, if you impress them with stellar customer service and delicious food, they are likely to become loyal customers. Increase sales When customers come to redeem their gift certificate, it’s not uncommon that they will buy additional items, so it’s a great opportunity to enlighten them on your other offerings. If you’re ready to begin gaining more loyal customers, visit Our Town America today. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Tapping into the New Mover Market

New Mover Market New Mover Mailing List

Help your business recoup losses incurred this spring by marketing to new movers with Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing company. Local businesses took a hit following the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States. As you strive to comply with social distancing guidelines and provide a safe atmosphere for employees and customers, new mover marketing offers a profitable way to increase sales while adjusting to the new normal. Approximately 9.8 percent of the U.S. population moved in 2019, or 31 million Americans, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In fact, the average American moves 11.7 times during their lifetime. People opt to move to a different home – sometimes bigger, other times downsizing; to start a new job – whether a career advancement or a layoff; to improve their daily commute or be closer to family, according to MoveBuddha, an online moving service. “Our Town America’s mission is to help new movers adjust and feel welcomed into their community and fuel the economy for local business,” said Michael Plummer Jr., Our Town America’s CEO. “We help our sponsor businesses gain new, loyal and long-term customers every month by targeting new movers.” New movers are big spenders. Having the ability to tap into the new mover market is a cost-effective marketing strategy to snag new customers right when they come to town. During the first year of owning a home, homeowners spend nearly $11,000 on furniture, appliances and home repairs, according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders. With so many expenses related to buying a home, it seems natural that new movers would take this opportunity to economize, but research suggests the opposite. A home purchase does not suppress spending on entertainment, apparel, transportation and restaurant meals, NAHB reported. Americans are following through on plans to move, despite the pandemic, and businesses can attract new residents by helping them feel welcome in their new community. Americans missed eating at restaurants and running errands without worrying about their health during quarantine, according to a new survey commissioned by Our Town America. Over 70 percent of Americans are eager to try out businesses in their new cities, the survey revealed. Our Town America’s new mover marketing program allows businesses the opportunity to make a great first impression on new residents – essentially bringing new customers through the door – or into their curbside parking spaces! Each month the company sends a Welcome Package to new residents, which includes your proven offer. The high-quality Welcome Package introduces new movers to different businesses in the area to help them feel at home in their new community. Businesses have the option to take advantage of Our Town America’s follow-up ‘thank you’ postcard which mails to guests who redeem their housewarming offer. This gives businesses the chance to invite customers back with a second offer, or even just stand out from their competition by thanking the new mover for their business. “We’re just off the beaten path, just a little ways from the main intersection. It gives people a chance to come down this way and see what’s down in this area,” said Fort Mill, South Carolina salon owner. While businesses can choose what they want to offer the new movers, 49 years of data has proven that a free haircut, with wash, cut and blow dry results in the best response rate. If you’re still unsure if delving into the new mover market is right for your business, check out some of the benefits of new mover marketing with Our Town America. Brand Awareness Generates Customer Loyalty. New residents are stressed and tired of unpacking boxes and worrying if they will fit into their new communities. Social distancing guidelines are making it difficult for new families to meet the neighbors, and teleworking and remote schooling aren’t making it any easier. Sending a Welcome Package with housewarming offers is one way to make their transition smoother. The Welcome Package helps build brand awareness and marks the beginning step to customer loyalty, but getting repeat business is up to you. Make sure to make new residents who visit your business feel welcome by offering superior customer service and a positive atmosphere. Target Your Customer. Our Town America has been acquiring accurate new mover mailing lists for their customers since being founded in 1972. The company mines new resident names from multiple sources to ensure a clean, comprehensive list. They use proprietary technology to pull names from county courthouse warranty deeds, credit reporting agencies, magazine subscription address changes, credit cards, voter registrations, driver’s licenses, utility companies and more. With their impressive new mover mailing list and ‘sponsor exclusivity’ concept, Our Town America is able to target the new residents moving into your chosen ZIP codes so that you reach them before your competitors do. Unique Tracking Tools. The success of any marketing program is only as good as its ability to track your return on investment. Our Town America offers the Our Town TruTrak® mobile app, which is available on both the Apple Store and Google Play Store. The app allows you to validate and scan redemptions at point of sale or at your convenience. It also tracks your return on investment, triggers a ‘thank you’ mailing and even gathers detailed demographic data of your new customers. Learn more about how Our Town America can help you add customers and boost foot traffic to your business today. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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National Local Marketing Franchise assists Local Businesses amidst Pandemic

Save Our Town Tampa Bay Our Town America Marketing

CW44 | Tampa Bay – Whether you’re a parent trying to facilitate virtual classes, a business trying to stay afloat, a community resident just trying to go about your life as “normal” as possible – you’ve probably had to adjust your everyday life in some way as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Michael Plummer Jr., the President/CEO of the national Our Town America franchise that connects local businesses with new movers each month, knows just how important it is to stick together as a community during these tough times. “We have businesses who have been with us for decades and they’re having to close their doors. It’s a struggle out there for every type of business,” says Plummer. “And, unfortunately, some won’t survive. It’s not like people are going out exploring the community like they used to. They’re going out of their house with a destination in mind,” he says. Since the pandemic has hit communities around the nation so harshly, Plummer is taking a more aggressive approach to help the business owners he’s come to know so well over the years. In conjunction with all Our Town franchise owners nationwide, Plummer is taking part in the ‘Save Our Town’ movement urging people to help revive local small businesses. Examples of hard-hit businesses in the Tampa Bay area include a 22-year Our Town Sponsor Business, PoFolks Restaurant, and Carriage Cleaners in Seminole – who has been partnered with Our Town for 19 years. “People just aren’t dressing out and going out to eat as often as they used to,” says Plummer. “Dry cleaning is just one of those industries you might not think about being hit”. But numbers show that they could use more foot traffic. According to Yelp’s local economic impact report, as of mid-June, nearly 140,000 businesses closed nationwide as of March 1. Of all retail business closures, 41% of them were permanent. The ‘Save Our Town’ movement led by Plummer and his franchisees urges people to find creative ways to help the businesses in their communities stay open. Watch the CW44 interview below for ways to help. Buy a gift card or start a tab! Buy gift cards you can use later, or pay $100 upfront for future purchases & ask them to withdraw from your tab when you visit. Holiday shop now! Some local shops may not make it to the holiday rush. Buy your gifts now & give them a boost! Tip well many servers, baristas, & delivery people have been out of work at some point this year. If you can afford it, leave a big tip & make someone’s day! Schedule and pay for future services. Some salons & massage parlors will allow you to pay for services in advance. You can pay for haircuts now & have the salon withdraw from your account as you go. Leave a positive review online. Many people are looking for safe places to eat & shop. Leave a positive review of your favorite restaurants & local shops to tell your community how they’re keeping customers safe & healthy during the pandemic. Mentioning outdoor seating is a plus. Redeem your New Mover Offers. If you’re a new mover who recently received your Our Town America Welcome Package, be sure to redeem your local business Gift Certificates. The businesses included in Our Town America Welcome Packages reach out to new movers each month as they want to welcome residents, like yourself, to your new neighborhood!  Return the favor by patronizing these businesses – whether in-store, curbside or delivery. Remember: For every dollar spent at a small business, approximately 67 cents stays in the local community. Shopping local when possible is what’s best for local economies nationwide. The Our Town America franchise system wants consumers and business owners nationwide to know that we’re here to support you during this time by offering various methods to relay business offerings to locals. Both local business owners and consumers will benefit from banding together to strengthen local economies.  Our Town America supports small businesses across the nation 365 days per year. If you’re a local business looking for a way to reach out to new or current customers, reach out to Our Town America at 1-800-497-8360 to get connected with your local representative. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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‘Save Our Town’: Revive Local Businesses

Save Our Town Movement Our Town America Local Franchise

CBS 58 | Milwaukee, WI – The Coronavirus pandemic is causing a tremendous and unprecedented strain on local small businesses and, unfortunately, many won’t survive. Some businesses reopened and were recovering and now must close again or limit customers. This rollercoaster is wreaking havoc for those who spent their entire lives building their businesses. Here are some facts to consider when analyzing the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic: 23,981 Restaurants are out of business 27,663 Retail Stores are closed forever 15,384 Salons and spas are permanently closed 5,589 Fitness Centers and gyms will never open again The local founder of the ‘Save Our Town’ movement, better known as Allen Busse Our Town America of Wisconsin, believes that small businesses are the fabric of our community and we can all do our part to help ‘Save Our Towns’.  Busse urges people to find creative ways to help businesses in their communities. Watch CBS interview below for ways to help. Buy a gift card or start a tab! You can give local restaurants more money now by buying gift cards you can use later when the restaurant is more stable. Or you can pay $100 upfront for future purchases and ask the restaurant to withdraw from your tab when you eat there.  Holiday shop now! Some local shops may not make it to the holiday rush. Buy your gifts now and give them a boost! Tip well many servers, baristas, and delivery people have been out of work at some point this year. If you can afford it, leave a big tip and make someone’s day! Schedule and pay for future services. Some salons and massage parlors will allow you to pay for services in advance. You could pay for haircuts for the rest of the year now and have the salon withdraw from your account as you go. Leave a positive review online. Many people are looking for safe places to eat and shop right now. Leave a positive review of your favorite restaurants and local shops to tell your community how they’re keeping customers safe and healthy during the pandemic. Also mention when a restaurant has outdoor seating. Redeem your New Mover Offers. If you’re a new mover who recently received your Our Town America Welcome Package, be sure to redeem your Gift Certificates from your local businesses. The businesses included in our Welcome Packages reach out to new movers each month as they want to welcome residents, like yourself, to your new neighborhood!  Return the favor by patronizing these businesses – whether in-store, curbside or delivery. Remember: For every dollar spent at a small business, approximately 67 cents stays in the local community. Shopping local whenever possible is truly what is best for local economies nationwide. Both Our Town America of Wisconsin and the Our Town America franchise system as a whole want consumers and business owners nationwide to know that we’re here to support you during this time by offering various methods to relay business offerings to locals. Both local business owners and consumers will benefit from banding together to strengthen local economies.  Our Town America supports small businesses across the nation 365 days of the year. If you’re a local business in Wisconsin looking for a way to reach new or current customers, reach out to Allen Busse at 262-364-7675 or abusse@ourtown.net. If your business is located elsewhere in the U.S., you can reach Our Town America corporate at 1-800-497-8360 to get connected with your local representative. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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How to Keep your Local Economy Afloat during the Pandemic

Local Economy Buy Gift Cards

NBC WRAL News – Since the pandemic started, thousands of restaurants — many of them local, have shut their doors permanently across the United States. 23,981 Restaurants are out of business 27,663 Retail Stores are closed forever 15,384 Salons and spas are permanently closed 5,589 Fitness Centers and gyms will never open again But Our Town America of The Triangle franchise owner Sally Hanson says, “We all have a role to play in saving our local businesses. We can change our habits just a little – such as shopping local when you can instead of buying from Amazon, for example.” For every dollar spent at a small business, approximately 67 cents stays in the local community. Franchises employ roughly 8 million people nationwide, and even they are typically locally owned. Hanson suggests a few tips to help ‘Save Our Town’: Consider paying for your gym membership even if it remains closed. Roughly 28% of all gym-goers are expected to cancel their memberships this year. Some gyms have already filed for bankruptcy! Buy a gift card or start a tab! You can give local restaurants more money now by buying gift cards you can use later when the restaurant is more stable. Or you can pay $100 upfront for future purchases and ask the restaurant to withdraw from your tab when you eat there.  Holiday shop now! Some local shops may not make it to the holiday rush. Buy your gifts now and give them a boost! Tip well many servers, baristas, and delivery people have been out of work at some point this year. If you can afford it, leave a big tip and make someone’s day! Schedule and pay for future services. Some salons and massage parlors will allow you to pay for services in advance. You could pay for haircuts for the rest of the year now and have the salon withdraw from your account as you go. Leave a positive review online. Many people are looking for safe places to eat and shop right now. Leave a positive review of your favorite restaurants and local shops to tell your community how they’re keeping customers safe and healthy during the pandemic. Also mention when a restaurant has outdoor seating. Redeem your New Mover Offers. If you’re a new mover who recently received your Our Town America Welcome Package, be sure to redeem your Gift Certificates from your local businesses. The businesses included in our Welcome Packages reach out to new movers each month as they want to welcome residents, like yourself, to your new neighborhood!  Return the favor by patronizing these businesses – whether in-store, curbside, or delivery. Both Our Town America of The Triangle and the Our Town America franchise as a whole want consumers and business owners nationwide to know that we’re here to support you during this time by offering various methods to relay business offerings to locals. Both local business owners and consumers will benefit from banding together to strengthen local economies.  Click below for the WRAL News clip. Our Town America supports small businesses across the nation 365 days per year. If you’re a local business in The Triangle area looking for a way to reach new or current customers, reach out to Sally Hanson at 919-349-7611 or shanson@ourtown.net. If your business is located elsewhere, you can reach Our Town America corporate at 1-800-497-8360 to get connected with your local representative. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Current Housing Market and Coronavirus Moving Survey Findings | NBC Raleigh

North Carolina Moving Homes Coronavirus Survey Our Town America

NBC WRAL News | Raleigh, NC (June 2020) – As the United States begins reopening amidst the busy summer moving season, Our Town America of The Triangle franchise owner, Sally Hanson, joins WRAL to discuss the current housing market. A recent survey commissioned by the Our Town America franchise shows that many people are considering moving due to Coronavirus, as well as other reasons. Of the 1,000 people surveyed, more than 40% would consider moving now. Some people are looking to move out of hot spot states altogether, while others are looking to flee major cities and move into more suburban areas. South Atlantic states rank as the top areas people would move to. Many people want to live in warmer climates to lessen the chance of contracting the Coronavirus, others want their children to attend different schools, and many are seeking areas that are rich in parks & greenways – such as The Triangle of North Carolina. Many areas in North Carolina are highly sought after due to their excellent cost of living and job availability. Many people also have more time at home to fix outstanding home repair issues, put their house on the market and search online for a new place to call home. Nationwide, it’s expected that moving rates will rise due to extremely low interest rates and changes in finances for many Americans. Hanson stated that many of her partnered local business owners are looking forward to getting back to ‘normal,’ consumers are eager to support local businesses and, as mentioned, looking to move into new homes for various reasons. Hanson expects and hopes to see the economy strengthen in the coming months. Both Our Town America of The Triangle and the Our Town America franchise system as a whole want both consumers and business owners nationwide to know that we’re here to support you during this time by offering various methods to relay business offerings to locals. Pandemic or not, it’s a win-win when small business owners and local consumers ban together to strengthen the local economy. Click below to see the full NBC News clip ft. Sally Hanson.   Our Town America supports small businesses across the nation 365 days per year. If you’re a local business in The Triangle area looking for a way to reach new or current customers, reach out to Sally Hanson at 919-349-7611 or shanson@ourtown.net. If your business is located elsewhere, you can reach Our Town America corporate at 1-800-497-8360 to get connected with your local representative. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Sacramentans Looking to Move, Says Recent Survey | ABC News

Moving Trends COVID

ABC News (June 2020) – Coronavirus shocked the United States, and for a lot of Americans, it made them rethink where they want to live. As the country starts to reopen in time for the busy summer moving season, David Frisch of Our Town America of Greater Sacramento states that residents who may have never considered moving before are considering moving due to the Coronavirus outbreak. A recent 1,000-person survey commissioned by Our Town America, the nation’s leading New Mover Marketing franchise, reveals residents living in states hit heavily by Coronavirus would consider packing up and moving to areas not as affected by the virus – even though many have lived in their state for over 20 years, or some, their whole lives. It’s not only city-slickers who want to move – suburbanites want to hit the road too. Over half of those polled live in the suburbs and more than 30% live in the city. People are concerned about their families, health, and finances. 35% of people polled say someone in their family lost work/their job. Parents ranked their children’s well-being as a top priority, some mention they would move to an area where their children can start school sooner. Stay-at-home orders were enacted across the country to help stop the spread of Covid-19, and nearly 30% of those polled said that these orders were too severe and describe their neighborhoods during this phase as “Apocalyptic”. The desirable areas to move to? More than 1 in 4 people (28%) are eager to move to an area with a warmer climate. 53% of those folks say warm weather is better for their physical and mental health, while more than 1 in 6 believe the virus has less chance of spreading in warmer temperatures. Our Town America franchise owner, Frisch, states that people are moving within the state as well as to other states. Though there is concern about the virus, 68% of those polled are ready for the country to open now. Frisch states that people are looking forward to getting back to ‘normal,’ people are excited to visit local businesses and, as mentioned, looking to move to new homes. With quarantine, many Americans have come to the realization if they’re going to be stuck at home, they need more space, need a backyard, or maybe need that bigger kitchen or dining room as they’re eating at home more often now – whether that be store-bought groceries to takeout food from a local restaurant. Frisch expects to see the economy strengthen in the coming months. Both Our Town America of Greater Sacramento and the Our Town America franchise system as a whole want both consumers and business owners nationwide to know that we’re here to support you during this time by offering various methods to relay business offerings to locals. Pandemic or not, it’s a win-win when small business owners and local consumers ban together to strengthen the economy. Click below to see the full ABC news clip ft. David Frisch.       Our Town America supports small businesses across the nation 365 days per year. If you’re a local California business looking for a way to reach out to new or current customers, reach out to Dave Frisch at 916-474-1494 or dfrisch@ourtown.net. If your business is located outside the Sacramento area, you can reach Our Town America corporate at 1-800-497-8360 to get connected with your local representative. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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New Mover Marketing Program is Key to Drive Summer Traffic

Market to new movers this summer and gain new cusotmers

If you want to tap into the new mover market this summer, it’s important to rely on an established new mover marketing program to get results. The summer months are a busy time for movers. Nearly 60 percent of moves in the United States take place between May and August, according to MoveBuddha, an online resource for movers. Families take advantage of the school break to relocate and get settled in their new homes. Summer is traditionally a slower time at the office for many American workers, making it easy to devote time to a move, reported Allied Van Lines, one of the nation’s largest moving companies. The warm weather months also make relocating easier for many families concerned about travel delays owing to winter storms. “Summer is one of the busiest times of year for moving and it’s essential for local businesses to be prepared to tap into the new mover market this year,” said Michael Plummer, president and chief executive of Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing franchise. “As your business scrambles to comply with new social distancing guidelines to protect customers and employees, opt to add a new mover marketing program with a long history of delivering results to help get your business back on track.” As stay-at-home orders are lifted and states begin to reopen, people are moving forward with their plans to relocate this summer. The rising number of people who left their offices to work remotely this spring is also prompting many Americans to consider moving from large cities to smaller communities. A survey conducted by Harris Poll of 2,050 Americans reveals 39 percent of urban dwellers are considering moving to a less crowded area during this unprecedented time. A recent survey conducted by Our Town America reveals new residents are ready to enjoy local businesses in their new towns this summer. More than 70 percent of new movers reported that they would be willing to try out new businesses in their new community.  As COVID-19 restrictions loosen, 49 percent of people will take advantage of takeout and curbside pickup options from local restaurants and 35 percent of new residents will enjoy a meal in a restaurant dining room. Social distancing gave people who need to move more time to get organized before packing up. After donating old clothes, furniture, and unused toys, they will need to tap into small businesses in their new communities to help make their house a home. Tapping into the new mover market this summer can help your business recoup losses and rebuild a loyal customer base. An essential component of any new mover mailing list is a complete new mover marketing program. Companies who provide a new mover mailing list are a dime a dozen and, while the list itself provides an opportunity to target new residents, it puts the burden of developing a plan on you. A turnkey new mover program can help you succeed on a shoestring marketing budget. Our Town America has the tools your business needs to create a successful new mover marketing campaign. “New movers are nobody’s customers, so a strategic new mover marketing program can introduce people to your business before they’ve established loyalties to your competitors,” Plummer added. Target Your Demographic. A turnkey new mover marketing program can finetune your message and target your specific customer demographic for you. No matter who your business caters to, Our Town America has the data experience and technology to help your business succeed. Welcoming Customers with Attractive Offers. Our Town America greets new movers with a Welcome Package filled with proven offers and category exclusivity for partnered businesses. The package welcomes people to their new home and introduces them to local businesses. “One of the best avenues to get the word out about my business is Our Town. I’m the only pizza guy in there, and it’s a free product. If I give a free pizza, that costs me $2.75. If that customer ordered $20 every week, they’re spending $1,000 per year at my restaurant” said Ben Finley, multi-unit Marco’s Pizza franchise owner in Florida. Technology Helps Get the Job Done. Innovative technology allows you to track results on your smartphone. Our Town America developed a digital system, known as TruTrak®, that records redemptions and automatically triggers a secondary, follow-up mailer – leaving a lasting impression. Additionally, SponsorWeb allows partnered businesses to check their activity, view realtime new mover feedback and customer demographics.    Supportive Team Ensures Success. Having a support system is essential during this unprecedented time. Local businesses are busy complying with new operating guidelines, so partnering with the #1 Advertising Franchise in the country (https://franchisebusinessreview.com/franchise-reviews/our-town-america/) that has 49 years of experience can provide peace of mind. Our Town America can finetune your marketing/ advertising campaign while you concentrate on running your business. To start gaining new, loyal customers, visit Our Town America today. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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