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Moving Trends due to Coronavirus: An Infographic

Coronavirus Moving Trends National Survey Data

All statistics drawn from survey commissioned by Our Town America. For more information, please visit: As U.S. Reopens, Coronavirus Concerns Could Lead to Mass Exodus Survey Says: Will People Move Homes during the Coronavirus Pandemic?   Survey Says: Moving Trends due to Covid-19. Top Takeaways from a National Survey commissioned by Our Town America. More than 40% would consider moving for Covid-19 reasons. Top motives to move somewhere else. 36% say less chance to catch Covid-19. 32% somewhere less expensive to live. 28% say warmer climate. More than 50% say finances are one of their biggest Covid-19 worries. Top 3 things missed most during quarantine. #1 dining at restaurants. #2 spending time with family & friends. #3 running errands without worrying about my health (ie. grocery store, dry cleaner, bank, etc.). Over 70% would be open to trying out new businesses in their new city. As Covid-19 restrictions loosen up 49% will order takeout & curbside from restaurants. 35% will dine inside restaurants. Over 80% would redeem a proven community-welcome offer from a local business (ie. free meal, haircut, etc.). Roughly 2/3 would feel more comfortable in their new neighborhood if they received a housewarming gift. Survey commissioned by moving industry experts, Our Town America. Our Town America has been connecting U.S. businesses with a new set of movers every month for the past 48 years. Full survey results at ourtownamerica.com. Our Town America Welcoming New Movers Since 1972. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Survey Says: Will People Move Homes During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Survey People Moving Coronavirus

May’s National Moving Month kicks off the start of the summer moving season. The weather is starting to warm up and it’s a great time to make the transition to a new location. While the unfortunate Coronavirus pandemic has no doubt made an impact on the economy, a new national survey commissioned by Our Town America shows many people are actually looking to move – some as a result of the current crisis. The survey of 1,000 people across America answers the question of whether or not people will relocate homes due to Coronavirus and offers responses that might shock you! Getting Personal The survey first gathered personal information to gain a better understanding of the context for responses. Our diverse pool of respondents is a good representation of the general population’s thoughts during the moving season. When asked, what is your age? 9.6% said Generation Z (18-23 years old) 32.7% said Millennials (24-39 years old) 27.5% said Generation X (40-55 years old) 26.7% said Boomers (56-74 years old) 3.6% said Silent Generation (75+ years old) When asked, do you identify as male or female? 49.2% said Male 50.3% said Female 0.5% said Neither When asked, Which State do you live in? 10.0% said California 10.0% said Connecticut 10.0% said Florida 10.0% said Illinois 10.0% said Louisiana 10.0% said Massachusetts 10.0% said Michigan 10.1% said New Jersey 10.0% said New York 10.0% said Pennsylvania When asked, what is your current marital status? 31.5% said Single, never married 48.4% said Married 7.9% said Divorced 0.7% said Separated 3.5% said Widowed 7.8% said Living with partner or significant other 0.3% said Prefer not to answer When asked, how many children do you have? 45.5% said 0 17.6% said 1 23.4% said 2 8.0% said 3 3.4% said 4 1.3% said 5 0.5% said 6 0.3% said 7 0.1% said 8 or more When asked, in what type of area do you currently live? 32.4% said City 52.8% said Suburbs 14.8% said Rural When asked, how long have you lived in your current state? 1.7% said A few months 2.0% said One year 7.3% said Two to five years 6.1% said Six to ten years 6.6% said Eleven to fifteen years 5.4% said Sixteen to twenty years 19.8% said More than twenty years 51.1% said My whole life How people view the effects of Coronavirus Next, we had to identify concerns of Coronavirus in the survey takers’ current state. If someone lives in a hotspot for Coronavirus, would they consider moving? Would they consider moving because of something related to the Coronavirus? Understanding the feelings of this crisis, we were able to paint a clearer picture of our respondents’ situations. When asked, how concerned are you about Coronavirus in your area? 51.0% said Very concerned 31.7% said Somewhat concerned 12.4% said Moderately concerned 4.9% said Not at all concerned When asked, how do you feel about where you live right now? (Choose best answer) 4.5% said I hate it 7.3% said I don’t like it 26.2% said It’s OK, but I feel as if I need a change 31.1% said I like it 11.2% said I love it, but I feel like I need to move 19.8% said I love it and I’m never moving When asked, you live in one of the hotspot States for Coronavirus. Would you consider moving? 41.7% said Yes 58.3% said No When asked, would you consider moving because of anything related to the coronavirus? 26.0% said Yes 74.0% said No When asked, how strongly would you consider a move? (Choose best answer) 36.5% said Very strongly 50.8% said Somewhat strongly 12.7% said Would mildly consider When asked, what is it related to Coronavirus that makes you consider moving? (Select all that apply) 41.5% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my health or the health of my family member(s) 43.5% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my finances 37.3% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my mental well-being 25.8% said Because of the coronavirus, I lost work/my job and/or my business is suffering 33.1% said I’m tired of stay-at-home orders 35.4% said I want my freedom and want lesser restrictions 23.8% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my relationships Driving forces to move because of the pandemic The next section shows when, where and why people would move due to Coronavirus. So many options for people to consider! When asked, when would you move? (Choose best answer) 19.6% said as fast as I can. I want out! 8.1% said This spring 16.5% said This summer 12.7% said This fall 6.5% said This winter 17.7% said Sometime next year 18.8% said Sometime in the next few years When asked, how strongly would you consider a move if there’s a second wave of Coronavirus where you live? (Choose best answer) 16.2% said Very strongly 18.2% said Somewhat strongly 27.0% said Would mildly consider 38.7% said Would not consider at all When asked, would you want to move to an area that was less effected by the Coronavirus? (Had fewer Coronavirus cases and deaths compared to where you live now) 53.3% said Yes 46.7% said No When asked, why do you want to move to an area less effected by the Coronavirus? (Select all that apply) 29.0% said Fewer people 39.5% said Less chance of me and my family catching coronavirus 26.6% said Less chance of another resurgence of coronavirus that shuts down the whole area 9.7% said My area will have bad memories of coronavirus and I need to get away 27.0% said Need a new place for a fresh start 16.7% said I want to live in an area that has/had looser restrictions or no restrictions at all. 44.2% said I want peace of mind for me and my family 31.8% said I want somewhere less expensive to live 27.7% said I want to […]

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Millennials New to Houston Moving Based on Jobs and Pay

Millennials New to Houston Moving Based on Jobs and Pay

FOX 26 Houston (July 2019) – Our Town America commissioned a survey of more than 650 Millennials to learn about their ideal city to live in and their main motivations behind moving. Some cities stood out amongst the rest – Houston, TX being one of them. Houston, as many will attest to, fulfills many wants and needs for Millennials. In fact, Houston has the third-lowest house prices and sixth-highest household income, according to Nerdwallet. Also – when surveyed, 44.8% of Millennials said a lot of job opportunities is what makes a city a dream city. Houston was ranked 11th best Large American City. And, while Millennials have been stereotyped as being addicted to technology, they actually value time outdoors. In fact, 48.8% said they prefer to do things outdoors when possible. Houston is a short drive from the beach, there are plenty of biking/hiking trails, and water sports are accessible, as well as golf courses and more! Not so surprisingly, however, Millennials like the option to bring their pets whenever possible. 61% of Millennials surveyed have a pet(s), and 47.6% said that their pet(s) is their top priority when choosing a place to live. Well, Houston slides in yet again as a top contender as it has many dog-friendly restaurants and hotels, as well as parks & hiking trails for everyone’s favorite furry friend. But, once Houston proves itself to the new mover, it’s then the local businesses turn to do so. But how? That’s when Our Town America steps in to do what we’ve been doing best since 1972. We deliver Welcome Packages to the mailboxes of new movers – complete with one-time-use free housewarming gifts redeemable at local merchants. This is viewed by tens of thousands of new movers across the country as welcoming – not as a form of advertising. In fact, in the recently commissioned survey, 85% of Millennials said they’d take advantage of a local small business offer/freebie, and a whopping 98% said they’d likely revisit the businesses a second time after trying out the first offer. FOX TV featured Clark Hillegeist of Our Town America of Houston to discuss the survey results. Check out the video by pressing ‘play’ below. ### *Editor’s Note: *Please cite Our Town America as the source for this survey. *This online survey of 652 men and women was conducted by a third party and commissioned by Our Town America. *Survey participants have no affiliation with Our Town America. About Our Town America For 47 years, Our Town America has been providing new movers with traditional hospitality by mailing warm housewarming gifts from local neighborhood businesses in a premium welcome package. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction. Our Town America’s dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long-term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the new mover marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand-new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system. Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America’s concept as a viable business opportunity. It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America’s welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America is committed to following through on that mission statement. For more information, visit the Our Town America website at https://www.ourtownamerica.com or call 1-800-497-8360. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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7 Things Millennials Want from Where They Are Moving To

What Millennial New Movers Want in a Town

Millennials are on the move, but where are they moving? Millennials (defined as adults born between 1981 and 1996) are one of the most coveted demos in marketing, but finding the right balance for engaging this generation can be tricky. Our Town America commissioned a comprehensive survey and put together a list to help you take your local business marketing to the next level. So, what do Millennials look for in a new city that can help your business set itself apart? Millennials Care About Careers               One surprising piece of homeowner data our survey found was that Millennials care more about careers than you might think! Over 30 percent of our survey said that they relocated for their career for their last move. And that’s not all, 71 percent of Millennials surveyed said they would live in the middle of nowhere for a higher paying job. It’s no secret that jobs drive community growth, and you can bet that Millennials are moving where the jobs are. Millennials Want Convenience               Millennials want convenience in their communities, and that means convenience. Over half of those surveyed (57.4 percent) said that living within walking distance to restaurants and other stores is important to them. A quaint downtown area with diverse local businesses goes a long way in appealing to the Millennial mindset. Everyone knows that Millennials love to shop local, and from boutiques to salons to coffee shops, Millennials are ready to pound the pavement. Delivery Services Matter for Millennials               Even though our survey established that Millennials love walking, that doesn’t mean that they’re above delivery. Our homeowner information shows that two-thirds of survey participants (69 percent) think being in range of delivery services is important. Millennials are also loyal to local businesses. More than 60 percent of our survey said they were highly likely to re-visit a business they received a valuable offer from. Pets Take Precedence for Millennials               America is a nation that loves its pets. Millennials are no exception. The survey found that three in five Millennials have pets. What’s more, is that 70 percent of those pet owners said their pets influenced where they chose to live. Whether it’s dogs, cats, birds, fish, turtles, or bunnies, there’s no question that their furry friends have a big impact on where Millennials choose to live. A community being pet-friendly means much more than big yards. It means pet-friendly shops and ample pet parks for playtime. The same goes for pet-based businesses like grooming services, dog-walkers, and pet-sitters. Everyone Wants Community Events               While only 20 percent of Millennials said they want to live in the big city, over half still said they want to be in a community with lots of exciting events. Food festivals top the list of desirable town attractions with over 69 percent, followed closely by concerts, beer and wine tasting events, sporting events, and family outings. Whether it’s a food truck rodeo, a weekend out at a local brewery, or family fun at a folk-art festival, Millennials want something fun to do together. Millennials Want to Know Their Neighbors               Many people think of Millennials as the new “me” generation, but they might like to think of themselves as the “us” generation. Our survey found that three in four Millennials actually prefer meeting people in person (as opposed to online). Over 44 percent said that it’s very important for them to know the people living around them. A strong and vibrant community with a friendly feel and an air of hospitality can go a long way to bringing in Millennial movers. Housewarming Gifts Mean a Lot to Millennials               It may seem old-fashioned, but Millennials still appreciate a thoughtful housewarming gift. Our survey found that over 80 percent of Millennials would feel more comfortable in a new home or neighborhood if they received a housewarming gift. Even so, only 41.3 percent of survey participants said they’d ever received a housewarming gift. And housewarming gifts go beyond presents. Over 84 percent of our survey said they would jump on a proven offer from a local business. Helping Millennials feel connected to their communities goes a long way to attracting new movers. Connecting Businesses with Millennial Movers We hope this helps to give you a better idea of what inspires Millennials when they choose where to move. One thing is for certain, they want to know what’s out there. Nearly 60 percent of our survey said they wish they had been told more about their new communities after moving in. Whether they receive a welcome guide for new movers or join a new homeowner mailing list, a little info about their new surroundings goes a long way to helping Millennials feel at home. New mover marketing services help keep Millennials informed on local businesses and services while putting your brand in front of a valuable new audience. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Boise, Idaho: A Millennial Dream City complete with Beautiful Scenery

Millennials Move to Boise Idaho, Our Town America Survey

Idaho Matters Podcast (June 2019) – According to a new national survey commissioned by Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing franchise, Millennials aren’t quite as co-dependent as many once chalked them up to be. As it turns out, they’re actually maturing into adulthood pretty nicely, and prioritizing rather common wants and needs when moving to a new city.  Factors like better jobs, higher pay, and benefits have become important to Millennials. Scot and Amy Hecht, Our Town America Franchise Owners in Boise, Idaho, guest star on the Idaho Matters Podcast to discuss survey findings from 650+ Millennial new movers (men and women born between 1981 and 1996). Boise ranked high on the list of desired cities to live in, and it’s no question why! Listen to the Idaho Matters Podcast to gain insight on survey findings.   Some main takeaways that explain just why Boise is a top destination? 59.7% of people choose their dream city based off of good scenery. Boise is a great place for an outdoor lover, as it’s filled with rivers, mountains, canyons, deserts, and lakes. 39.9% of people select their current residence based on price. Boise is ranked #17 out of 125 as a Best Place to Live in the USA by U.S. News. Boise’s affordability is one of its most attractive qualities, particularly when it comes to housing costs. 66.1% of people attend concerts and 26.7% attend plays and musicals. Boise is a cultural hub for jazz music and theater. Many popular music festivals are hosted by the city to remember some of the many famous jazz legends, such as Gene Harris. 24.8% said that their dream city has an easy daily commute. Boise’s average commute time is 22 minutes, which is 4.4 minutes less than the national average, allowing individuals to spend less time in traffic and more time doing what they love. ### *Editor’s Note: *Please cite Our Town America as the source for this survey. *This online survey of 652 men and women was conducted by a third party and commissioned by Our Town America. *Survey participants have no affiliation with Our Town America. About Our Town America For 47 years, Our Town America has been providing new movers with traditional hospitality by mailing warm housewarming gifts from local neighborhood businesses in a premium welcome package. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction. Our Town America’s dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long-term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the new mover marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand-new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system. Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America’s concept as a viable business opportunity. It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America’s welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America is committed to following through on that mission statement. For more information, visit the Our Town America website at https://www.ourtownamerica.com or call 1-800-497-8360. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Millennials Moving to the Upstate, Greenville

Greenville South Carolina Top Desired City Our Town America

WSPA Greenville (June 2019) – Our Town America recently commissioned a survey of more than 650 Millennials to find out what their ideal city to live in is and what their motivations behind moving are. There were a few cities that stood out amongst the rest – Greenville, SC being one of them! Greenville, as locals and visitors will attest to, has many key components that Millennials are searching for. In fact, Livability recently ranked Greenville as the #10 Best Place to Live. But what was so great about Greenville? Well, Millennials want to spend their time outdoors, and thankfully for Greenville, it is one of the top places to ride bikes! There is a vast number of hiking and biking trails, which allow people to easily step away from the city life and enjoy the outdoors without going too far out of the way. Our Town America’s survey showed that near half (48.8%) of Millennials choose their dream city based on the activities that they want to do outdoors. It’s no surprise that those who like to be outdoors also want to bring “man’s best friend”. 3 in 5 Millennials have pets, 70% of whom say their pets influence where they live. Greenville has numerous dog-friendly outdoor patios, and dozens of places to go for a walk with your favorite furry friend. 31% of those surveyed stated that they also look for culture, art and theater when choosing where to live. According to the City of Greenville website, Greenville is home to a large mix of museums and is filled with rich culture. And, of course, careers have to rank high on the list as well – considering most Millennials no longer live at home with their parents. 44.8% of the Millennials surveyed chose their dream city based off how many job opportunities were available. Greenville is ranked #3 for best downtown, and many young professionals are drawn to this area because of the strong job market. So, the newcomers make your city home… now what? That’s where Our Town America steps in. We deliver Welcome Packages right to the mailboxes of new movers – complete with free one-time housewarming gifts redeemable at their local merchants. This is genius and is looked at by tens of thousands of new movers across the country as inviting – not as advertising. In fact, in the recently commissioned survey, 85% of Millennials said they’d take advantage of a local small business offer/freebie, and a whopping 98% said they’d likely revisit the businesses a second time after trying out the first offer. WSPA TV featured Jillian West of Our Town America Greenville this week to discuss the survey results and more! Check out the video clip below! ### *Editor’s Note: *Please cite Our Town America as the source for this survey. *This online survey of 652 men and women was conducted by a third party and commissioned by Our Town America. *Survey participants have no affiliation with Our Town America. About Our Town America For 47 years, Our Town America has been providing new movers with traditional hospitality by mailing warm housewarming gifts from local neighborhood businesses in a premium welcome package. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction. Our Town America’s dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long-term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the new mover marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand-new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system. Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America’s concept as a viable business opportunity. It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America’s welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America is committed to following through on that mission statement. For more information, visit the Our Town America website at https://www.ourtownamerica.com or call 1-800-497-8360. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Survey Says: What New Mover Data Shows About Millennial Movers

New Mover Data Survey of Millennials by Our Town America

Survey Says: What New Mover Data Shows About Millennial Movers Believe it or not, Millennials are growing up. A new local survey shows that Millennial movers are shedding their carefree vibes and are more concerned with careers when it comes to where they live. Whether it’s higher pay or a convenient commute, these Millennials are thinking practical when it comes to putting down roots. In fact, new mover data for Millennials (aged 22-38) shows that they’re starting to sound a lot like their parents! Our Town America commissioned the local survey of more 650 Millennial men and women who have moved in the last five years. See the full transcript of our survey to find new mover information and what new movers are looking for in their favorite cities. Also view accompanying Infographic here. Getting Personal with Millennial New Movers   Firstly, the survey determined personal information about our respondents. With more detailed info on our Millennial movers, we were able to put together a much more accurate picture of the new mover data. 1. When asked, ‘What year were you born in?’ • 3.8% said 1981. • 4.9% said 1982. • 3.7% said 1983. • 7.8% said 1984. • 6.6% said 1985. • 8.1% said 1986. • 4.8% said 1987. • 7.1% said 1988. • 9.4% said 1989. • 6.7% said 1990. • 8.6% said 1991. • 9.4% said 1992. • 6.9% said 1993. • 4.3% said 1994. • 4.4% said 1995. • 3.5% said 1996. 2. When asked, ‘What is your gender?’ • 49.5% said male. • 50.5% said female. 3. When asked, ‘Which of the following, if any, have you done in the past 5 years? Select all that apply.’ • 27.6% said ‘Purchased a new home.’ • 100.0% said ‘Moved into a new residence.’ • 26.5% said ‘Got Married.’ • 31.9% said ‘Had a child.’ • 36.3% said ‘Purchased a pet.’ • 29.4% said ‘Went on an international vacation.’ • 57.7% said ‘Purchased a new vehicle.’ Where New Movers are from and Where They’re Going The next step of gathering our new mover information was determining where Millennials are coming from and where they want to go with their new move. By finding the living situations for Millennial movers we put together a clear picture of our respondents. 4. When asked ‘How many times have you moved in your life?’ • 3.8% said they have moved 1 time. • 8.1% said they have moved 2 times. • 14.4% said they have moved 3 times. • 14.7% said they have moved 4 times. • 8.3% said they have moved 5 times. • 6.4% said they have moved 6 times. • 44.2% said they have moved more than 6 times. 5. When asked ‘What’s the greatest distance you have moved in your life?’ • 4.6% said within the neighborhood. • 8.9% said within the town limits. • 14.0% said within the county. • 25.2% said within the State. • 36.7% said out of State. • 10.7% said out of the Country. 6. When asked ‘Where do you live now?’ • 6.6% said they live at home with their parents and pay rent. • 4.0% said they live at home with their parents and don’t pay rent. • 4.3% said they live with relatives and pay rent. • 1.7% said they live with relatives and don’t pay rent. • 8.4% said they live with roommates and pay rent. • 0.9% said they live with roommates and don’t pay rent. • 31.7% said they rent with a significant other. • 19.2% said they own with a significant other. • 15.5% said they rent a place alone. • 7.7% said they own a place. 7. When asked ‘You mentioned you live at home with your parents. Do you want to move out?’ • 66.7% said yes, but they’re in no rush because they’re not sure they can afford it. • 18.8% said yes, as soon as possible. They can’t take it anymore. • 14.5% said no, they’re fine living with their parents. 8. When asked ‘You mentioned you live at home with your parents. Why don’t you move out?’ • 59.4% said they can’t afford to move out because their job doesn’t pay enough. • 27.5% said they can’t afford to move out because they don’t have a job. • 2.9% said they can’t afford to move out because of student loan debt. • 4.3% said they don’t want to move out. They like living with their parents. • 5.8% said that they’re a bit afraid to move out because of all the responsibility. 9. When asked ‘How far do you live from the closest major city?’ • 36.8% said they live within the city limits. • 10.9% said they live within 5 miles or less. • 14.3% said they live 5-10 miles away. • 14.3% said they live 10-20 miles away. • 9.2% said they live 20-30 miles away. • 5.5% said they live 30-40 miles away. • 3.7% said they live 40-50 miles away. • 5.4% said they live more than 50 miles away. 10. When asked ‘In what State were you born?’ • 13.2% said California. • 4.9% said Florida. • 4.8% said Illinois. • 3.5% said Michigan. • 7.5% said New York. • 4.3% said Ohio. • 4.8% said Pennsylvania. • 6.6% said Texas. • 2.3% said Alabama. • 1.1% said Alaska. • 2.3% said Arizona. • 1.2% said Arkansas. • 1.1% said Colorado. • 1.4% said Connecticut. • 0.5% said Delaware. • 2.3% said Georgia. • 0.9% said Hawaii. • 0.6% said Idaho. • 2.5% said Indiana. • 0.8% said Iowa. • 0.9% said Kansas. • 0.6% said Kentucky. • 1.2% said Louisiana. • 0.8% said Maine. • 1.8% said Maryland. • 2.5% said Massachusetts. • 0.6% said Minnesota. • 1.1% said Mississippi. • 2.1% said Missouri. • 0.2% said Montana. • 0.9% said Nebraska. • 0.6% said Nevada. • 0.8% said New Hampshire. • 2.9% said New Jersey. • 0.6% said New Mexico. • […]

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Birmingham: A Top Desired City by Millennials per Our Town America Survey

Birmingham Alabama Top Desired City

WBMA Birmingham  – According to a new national survey released for May’s National Moving Month and the busy summer moving season – Millennials are growing up. They are choosing where to live based on factors like better jobs, higher pay, and benefits. The survey, commissioned by Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing franchise, paints a new portrait of the Millennial generation who are often accused of having their priorities backwards.  Millennials are actually eager to move for job opportunities that equate to a better future for themselves and their families. Luke Wood, Our Town America Franchise Owner in Birmingham, Alabama, sits down with WBMA TV to discuss survey results from more than 650 Millennial new movers (men and women born between 1981 and 1996). Birmingham ranked high on the list of desired cities to live in! Watch the video below, recently featured on WBMA TV in Birmingham, to gain insight on survey findings. The national survey reveals: More than half (58 percent) would move to a city they don’t like for the right job 71 percent would choose to move for a higher paying job in the middle of nowhere over a lower paying job in their dream city Nearly 1 in 3 (30 percent) made their most recent move for their career 39% said price mattered most when selecting current residence – well guess what? Birmingham was recently named as one of nation’s 10 most affordable cities. Those who moved for a job cite higher salary and better benefits as top reasons for the move 86 percent of Millennials who live with their parents or relatives want to move out 84 percent of Millennials plan to buy a home Most Millennials (72 percent) said they don’t live in their dream city; the reasons are practical and calculated.  “Price,” “the neighborhood,” and “proximity to work” were the top three reasons Millennials moved to their current city. Millennials also love to have fun, but want to keep it close to home…in a place their dog can be comfortable too.   The survey shows convenience wins with Millennials on the move.   Respondents said their home must be: Within range of delivery services (69 percent) Within walking distance to restaurants and stores (57 percent) Home to great community events (53 percent) – the top five favorites, in order, were food festivals, concerts, sporting events, bar hopping/wine tasting, and family-friendly events And a great fit for their pet(s) – 3 in 5 Millennials have pets, 70 percent of whom say pets influence where they live And so much for bright lights, big city.   When asked about their ideal living situation: 80 percent said they’d prefer a different option other than “Big City Life” More than 1/3 (35 percent) of those surveyed would choose to move an Uber ride away from the city 1 out of 4 (25 percent) want to move to the suburbs, living even further away from the city Only 1 out of 5 want to move to the city (20 percent), barely beating out the rural boonies (19 percent) as the ideal living situation for Millennials The survey also shows that when Millennials move, this Phone-in-Face generation actually craves Face-to-Face connection with new neighbors. 76 percent say they’d prefer to meet new people in person rather than online 44 percent try to meet their neighbors 80 percent say they’d love a housewarming gift and 45 percent say they have given a housewarming gift Those who don’t try to meet their neighbors say it’s because they’re concerned with safety when knocking on doors More than 2 in 5 (41 percent) fear that social media has become the new neighborhood Millennial respondents say their ideal city has good scenery, great weather, fun outdoor activities, and plenty of job opportunities. Over 48% said they want to have outdoor activities available to them in their dream city. Thankfully, Birmingham is known for providing access to plenty of outdoor activities including great walking tours, botanical gardens, biking, cable skiing, hiking and more! The study also shows that if Millennial is new to town, they’d love a new business to welcome them. 85 percent say they’d take advantage of a local small business offer/freebie (like a free meal or haircut).  Almost all (98%) say they’d likely revisit the business after trying out the offer. ### *Editor’s Note: *Please cite Our Town America as the source for this survey. *This online survey of 652 men and women was conducted by a third party and commissioned by Our Town America. *Survey participants have no affiliation with Our Town America. About Our Town America For 47 years, Our Town America has been providing new movers with traditional hospitality by mailing warm housewarming gifts from local neighborhood businesses in a premium welcome package. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction. Our Town America’s dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long-term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the new mover marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand-new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system. Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America’s concept as a viable business opportunity. It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America’s welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America […]

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New National Moving Month Survey Reveals Why Millennials Move

Why Millennials Move Our Town America New Mover Marketing

WRAZ Raleigh (May 2019) – Millennials are growing up, and a new national survey – released just in time for May’s National Moving Month and the busy summer moving season – indicates they may be aging out of a YOLO, carefree-phase. Instead, Millennials are choosing where they live based on factors that would make their parents proud (like better jobs, higher pay, and benefits). In fact, do we dare say it?  Millennials – ranging from age 22 and graduating college to age 38 and having families – are starting to sound a lot like their parents! The surprising new national survey of more than 650 Millennial men and women (born 1981 – 1996) who have moved in the last five years shows Millennials would forfeit living in a fun, dream city for a job that pays well with good benefits.   And get this – they desperately want to get rid of mom’s couch and plan to buy their own home. The survey, commissioned by Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing franchise, paints a new portrait of the “non-committal slacker” generation often accused of prioritizing selfies over salaries.   Rather than Uber from adventure to adventure, Millennials are eager to move for job opportunities that equate to a better future for themselves and their families. Watch the video below, recently featured on WRAZ TV in Raleigh, to gain insight on survey findings. The national survey reveals: More than half (58 percent) would move to a city they don’t like for the right job 71 percent would choose to move for a higher paying job in the middle of nowhere over a lower paying job in their dream city Nearly 1 in 3 (30 percent) made their most recent move for their career Those who moved for a job cite higher salary and better benefits as top reasons for the move 86 percent of Millennials who live with their parents or relatives want to move out 84 percent of Millennials plan to buy a home Most Millennials (72 percent) said they don’t live in their dream city; the reasons are practical and calculated.  “Price,” “the neighborhood,” and “proximity to work” were the top three reasons Millennials moved to their current city. Of course, Millennials also love to have fun, but want to keep it close to home…in a place Rover can roam.   The survey shows convenience wins with Millennials on the move.   Respondents said their home must be: Within range of delivery services (69 percent) Within walking distance to restaurants and stores (57 percent) Home to great community events (53 percent) – the top five favorites, in order, were food festivals, concerts, sporting events, bar hopping/wine tasting, and family-friendly events And a great fit for their pet(s) – 3 in 5 Millennials have pets, 70 percent of whom say pets influence where they live And so much for bright lights, big city.   When asked about their ideal living situation: 80 percent said they’d prefer a different option other than “Big City Life” More than 1/3 (35 percent) of those surveyed would choose to move an Uber ride away from the city 1 out of 4 (25 percent) want to move to the suburbs, living even further away from the city Only 1 out of 5 want to move to the city (20 percent), barely beating out the rural boonies (19 percent) as the ideal living situation for Millennials The survey also shows when Millennials move, this Phone-in-Face generation actually craves Face-to-Face connection with new neighbors. 76 percent say they’d prefer to meet new people in person rather than online 44 percent try to meet their neighbors 80 percent say they’d love a housewarming gift and 45 percent say they have given a housewarming gift Those who don’t try to meet their neighbors say it’s because they’re concerned with safety when knocking on doors More than 2 in 5 (41 percent) fear that social media has become the new neighborhood “Millennials are growing up, and they’re turning down pie-in-the-sky ‘dream cities’ for places that offer a better quality of life,” says Our Town America’s CEO Michael Plummer, Jr.  “They’re seeking careers that provide good pay and benefits so they can have families and buy a home someday.   It’s also clear they want to live close to an active social scene and develop real connections with neighbors. The cities that check those ‘wish list’ boxes will soon see a boom of Millennial movers.” Millennial respondents say their ideal city has good scenery, great weather, fun outdoor activities, and plenty of job opportunities.  The study also shows that if Millennial is new to town, they’d love a new business to welcome them. 85 percent say they’d take advantage of a local small business offer/freebie (like a free meal or haircut).  Almost all (98%) say they’d likely revisit the business after trying out the offer. “This survey shows that Millennials crave social connection – the warm and fuzzy feeling they remember from their childhood neighborhoods,” says Plummer.   “It also shows Millennials are on the move and on a mission to build a better life for themselves and their families.  Therefore, the local businesses who reach out and make these Millennial movers feel welcome in their new community will have loyal customers for life.” ### *Editor’s Note: *Please cite Our Town America as the source for this survey. *This online survey of 652 men and women was conducted by a third party and commissioned by Our Town America. *Survey participants have no affiliation with Our Town America.   About Our Town America For 47 years, Our Town America has been providing new movers with traditional hospitality by mailing warm housewarming gifts from local neighborhood businesses in a premium welcome package. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction. Our Town America’s dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one […]

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Marketing Mogul, Tom Feltenstein, and Our Town America Team Up to Empower 60+ Small Business Owners

Tom Feltenstein Marketing Mogul Our Town America Keynote Speaker

TAMPA, Fla. (April 2019) – Our Town America, the nation’s premier New Mover Marketing franchise, recently hosted Keynote Speaker, Author and Marketing Visionary, Tom Feltenstein, at their annual franchise convention. Feltenstein has been a Marketing mogul for over 30 years and, much like Our Town America, is known to be an expert in the industry. Our Town America, which was founded in 1972, has been holding annual conventions since 2005 when they first began franchising.  The company hosts a variety of sessions ranging from sales & marketing tips to how to make the most of the tools provided to the franchisees, such as their constantly-improving technology including mobile applications, the CRM, USPS Every Door Direct Mail®, and more. However, the company knows that, for many, the most motivating session can be one that focuses on internal drive. At this year’s convention, Feltenstein’s session focus was ‘how to be remarkable’ and what that can do for your bottom line. At the core of being remarkable is taking customer engagement to a whole new level by going above and beyond expectations to deliver extraordinary value to your customers. This lines up perfectly with Our Town America’s core beliefs. The company’s convention theme this year was ‘Mission Possible: The Code to Success’. The convention was centered on all that is possible for the franchisees if they are relentless in their work ethic & pursuit of excellence. This duo, Tom Feltenstein and Our Town America, as many of the 60+ franchisees noted, is ‘one for the books’. And what’s more: Feltenstein is already a firm believer in marketing to new movers. With decades of marketing and advertising success under his belt, he has a respect for this niche market – knowing just how loyal these new customers can be to searching businesses. The company and their many franchisees look forward to another year of prosperity, fueled by innovation, commitment to excellence & Feltenstein’s powerful and impactful presentation during this year’s Convention: That success will always be based on understanding what the customer wants & needs. ### About Our Town America For 47 years, Our Town America has been connecting new movers with local businesses by helping turn them into long-term, loyal customers.   As the leaders in New Mover Marketing, they use a mix of proven and perfected methods of direct mail and new technologies to focus exactly on the businesses ideal type of customer.  Through their mobile app, they are 100% trackable and also offer demographically targeted full-color postcard mailings, EDDM, and more. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction. Our Town America’s dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long-term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the New Mover Marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand-new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system. Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America’s concept as a viable business opportunity. It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America’s welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America is committed to following through on that mission statement. For more information, visit the Our Town America website at https://www.ourtownamerica.com/. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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