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Successful Marketing Trends For Your Business

Marketing trend

Supply Chain World (Mar. 2014) – Countless retail businesses nationwide, including hundreds of restaurants, rely on targeted new mover marketing programs to cultivate long-term, loyal customer relationships. Millions of Americans, 40 million a year according to the most recent Census, move each year and are forced to develop relationships with new “go-to” retail options. After a move, new residents are actively seeking replacements for the favorite pizza shop, neighborhood hardware store, and family pet store they trusted in their former town. Their world has been turned upside down and they need help finding quality retail business owners who can help them get back on track in their new neighborhood. Read More Here… Source: Supply Chain World     Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Our Town America Poised for Business Growth in 2014

Business Growth Direct Mail Marketing Our Town America

Tampa Bay Business Journal (Mar. 2014) – Mail is said to be on its way to being obsolete in the digital world people live in these days, but for some companies it’s still the best way to do business. Our Town America is one of those companies. After a strong 2013, when the company added eight new franchises and experienced an 18 percent sales growth, Our Town America is showing signs that momentum will continue in 2014. Our Town America has already signed on two additional franchises this year. Read More Here… Source: Tampa Bay Business Journal Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Tips for Success: A Day in the Life of a Business Owner

Success Tips for Business Professionals by Michael Plummer Jr Our Town America

Feb. 23, 2014 – If you’re wondering what mysterious, supernatural success-producing rituals a President of a nationally-admired new mover welcoming franchise does each morning, then you’ve come to the right place! While his morning routine may not qualify as supernatural, it would be tough to deny the fact that Michael Plummer Jr.’s (CEO of Our Town America) daily habits have, in fact, aided to his success. When asked what his morning routine is, he replied, “It’s pretty simple – I usually check the Internet for the daily news, grab an apple or banana on the way out and say goodbye to my wife, Paulette and our daughters”. Plummer said that once he’s at work, the first thing he does is check his emails. “I write down what I deem to be the most pressing tasks in order of precedence. This helps me to successfully plan and visualize my day,” he said. He claimed that when he gets bogged down, he reminds himself of this motto, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities”. Plummer said that he does his best to pass on the belief that prioritizing, planning and visualizing oneself physically meeting goals is essential when aiming for success. But what if you’ve owned a business for many years? Don’t you know all there is to know by now? Plummer humbly claimed that, “There is always going to be more that I can learn. Whether it is in regards to a local business sponsor, a specific franchise territory, a particular target market, our employees or the like”. He believes that it is crucial to stay up-to-date with current trends and topics relevant to your industry. To by truly prepared for whatever is to come, one has to accept that preparation is a constant and continuous process. “The moment you think you know it all, is when you will fall behind,” said Plummer. While there is, in fact, always more to learn, it’s important to take it one day at a time. Prioritizing tasks and setting weekly, quarterly, and annual goals is key according to Plummer. “When you make sure to constantly work towards a specific goal, not only does it aid in feeling self-accomplished, but it also helps keep you organized and on task,” he said. So how about one last snippet of advice for your hardworking businessmen and women who refuse to be anything but successful? Plummer said, “As the workday unfolds, be sure to take notes that can be referenced in the future, refer to your list of priorities, keep your workspace clean and organized, and always do your best to stay positive”. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Retail Businesses Announce Impressive 2013 Success

Retail Business Success in New Mover Marketing Our Town America

PRWeb (Dec. 2013) – Millions of Americans, 40 million a year according to the most recent Census, move each year and are forced to develop relationships with new “go-to” retail options. After a move, new residents are actively seeking replacements for the favorite pizza shop, neighborhood hardware store, and family pet store they trusted in their former town. Their world has been turned upside down and they need help knowing where to turn to find reliable retail business owners who can help them get on track. Similarly, local retail business owners must find replacements for the countless loyal customers who skip town each year and there’s no better target than impressionable new movers. Where can store managers turn to make an impact on this new group of residents in order to replace loyal customers who have moved away? Read More Here… Source: Digital Journal, December 13, 2013 Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Local Business Familiarizes Newcomers With Community

Local Business Welcomes New Movers to Community Our Town America

One local business is building on its success in connecting new residents with area services and businesses. After 12 years as a stay-at-home mom, Jane McElhaney and her husband, Tom, bought an Our Town America franchise in 2007 that served most of Charlotte.  She had a sales background and liked that the company was family-owned and focused on the community. “Our Town America welcomes new families to the area and introduces them to businesses in the community,” McElhaney said.  “It’s a great way to reach out to new folks and make them feel comfortable in their new home and their new neighborhood.” Our Town America was started in 1972 by Michael Plummer, who owned a restaurant at the time.  He found that offering pizza and hospitality to new residents built his customer base. The company is now headquartered in Pinellas Park, FL., where it has 60 employees and oversees 25 regional offices. McElhaney said that Our Town America focuses on direct mailings that are targeted to new residents in specific zip codes.  The mailers go out monthly and include one-time gift certificates to businesses within a few miles of the residence. “The benefit to the business is every month we are driving new customers in the doors,” McElhaney said. When the gift certificates are used, the information is tracked, which allows Our Town America to keep records of which families are trying each business. Our Town America – Charlotte has also expanded its targeted marketing program to include postcards mailed to specific groups.  For example, the company recently sent a color postcard for a children’s shoe store to households with children in a certain age group. In 2011, McElhaney bought out the other Our Town America franchise in Charlotte, which covered South Charlotte and the surrounding areas.  She doubled her business and now covers all of Charlotte.  She is expanding into the Lake Norman and Concord/Kannapolis areas. She works with national and local businesses, including Chick-Fil-A, and local businesses such as Artisans Salon in Fort Mill and Indian Land Animal Hospital, which has worked with Our Town America for five years. Indian Land Animal Hospital owners Lisa Shaw and David Grindstaff began working with McElhaney soon after opening five years ago, and the practice has been so successful that Shaw and Grindstaff have opened another business: Continental Boarding in southwest Charlotte. Our Town America – Charlotte can be reached at 704-341-4982 or mcelhaney.jane@ourtown.net. Click here to read article straight from the South Charlotte News.   Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Layoff Kick-Starts Small Business

Small Business Franchise Success New Mover Marketing Our Town America

In the 30 years Su Hartung spent working in corporate America, she occasionally felt the itch to leave it all behind, but as a single mom, she didn’t feel she could afford to give up the perceived security of a full-time salary. When she was 60 years old, however, Hartung was laid off after a company buyout. Finding few career options for a seasoned corporate executive, she parlayed her decades of sales and marketing experience and used a portion of her buyout package and part of her 401(k) to come up with the initial $47,500 investment she needed to buy an Our Town America franchise in DeKalb, Illinois. For the mom who once put her own entrepreneurial dreams on hold for the sake of her family, owning the franchise has even deeper meaning: She and her daughter are now business partners. Read More at the Huffington Post > Source: Huffington Post Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Our Town America Helps Hair Salons Stay a Cut Above

Even in the recession resistant hair care industry, a rapidly changing economic environment has many salon and barbershop owners searching for answers. They’ve tried every marketing tactic in the book and still can’t find a way to separate their salon from the competition. That’s not the case for Milwaukee-based Sport Clips owner, Wally Sauthoff, and Tampa-based boutique salon owner, Geo Sweeney, and hundreds of other salon owners around the country who benefited from Our Town America’s unique new mover marketing program in 2012. As Wally and Geo suggest below, Our Town America works particularly well for hair salons because their warm gift certificate packages reach men and women shortly after their move, right when they are seeking their new go-to hair care partner. In order to build off that success in 2013, Michael Plummer Jr. and the Our Town America team announced their enhanced loyalty program to their sponsors that mails additional offers to new movers who redeem their first gift certificate. As Plummer suggests, this loyalty program works particularly well for hair salon owners who must make a consistent impression on clients who demand the perfect haircut each and every time. “While the hair care industry is recession resistant, it is also fiercely competitive and salon owners face local markets that seemingly get more crowded each day,” says Michael Plummer Jr., CEO of Our Town America. “Executing a category exclusive new mover program that is supplemented by a powerful loyalty program is one of the few ways these owners can secure a significant competitive advantage over other hair care companies in their area.” “All new movers, regardless of sex, are seeking their new hair care partner and they need an answer fast,” says Plummer. “Reaching them first with an aggressive offer in a warm welcoming package is the best way to make a strong first impression that gets customers in the door. Following that up with offers rewarding them for their first visit, and delivering quality haircuts and customer service, is what inspires long term loyalty.” Epsilon’s New Mover Reports help to draw similar conclusions – direct marketing is highly valued by new movers. The report, which reached just under 1,000 movers and non-movers nationwide revealed the following information that supports that conclusion: More than 53 million people move each year. Most movers are younger people moving great distances who have little knowledge of the local businesses that can provide the products/services they need. Contrary to popular belief, direct marketing, specifically new mover marketing, is highly valued by Gen Y millennials. The number of people moving has increased steadily since 2009, but new home sales from 2011 suggest an 80% in the past seven years. This means the pool of renters has increased substantially and people move more often. “While these numbers can, and do, apply to any industry, it is especially important for hair care companies who must reach and impact new movers to remain profitable,” says Marilyn Imparato, Our Town America’s Director of Sales and Marketing. “To generate the biggest bang for their buck, it is imperative for hair care companies to understand how to reach out to today’s new mover in order to make a strong impression. Simply sending a casual coupon won’t make them feel special – they must be willing to make a good will gesture that makes a big statement illustrating that they sincerely want to welcome them to the community and would like to have them as a long-term, loyal customer.” Milwaukee-based Wally Sauthoff, profiled above, agrees that nothing says “welcome to the neighborhood” like a free haircut. “We have a unique business model at Sport Clips in that we focus exclusively on the male consumer,” says Sauthoff. “However, too few potential customers understand that we deliver a unique, old-school barber shop experience and an MVP experience well worth a few extra bucks. The Our Town America package has allowed us to deliver that message to men along with a free haircut as soon as they come to town when they are actively seeking a new hair care partner and it’s made all the difference.” The numbers back him up. In the last three and a half years, Wally has realized an overall response rate of more than 8%. Similarly, Tampa-based Geo Sweeney, also profiled above, has thrived using Our Town America’s program as his only marketing tool for the last fourteen years. “My salon is located in a high end residential area where people are constantly moving in and out of nearby condos,” says Sweeney. “Because of that consistent customer turnover, an effective new mover marketing program is critically important to my success. I have been with Our Town America for more than fourteen years and don’t even have to pay attention to the specific monthly fee or ROI because the ROI has been consistently there. I know it’s working because I see new faces bringing in the certificates each month who really appreciate the genuine offer and will come back for more appointments if we deliver a quality experience. What more could I ask for?” Sauthoff and Sweeney aren’t isolated examples either. According to Our Town America, hair care sponsors using their new mover program have seen response rates as high as 8% very often. For more information on Our Town America, complete a Contact form. Source: CBS Money Watch/ Yahoo! Finance   Steven SgroiSteven is Our Town America’s corporate sales manager and oversees the national sales team. www.ourtownamerica.com […]

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Marketing to New Residents Pay Dividends For Business Owners Of North Carolina

Las Prensas Magazine Article Our Town America

It is a harsh reality, but the economy is not improving and business owners in Wilmington area are feeling the pressure as businesses and consumers continue to cut costs. What can the small business owner do to survive when things get (and stay) difficult? This information may be surprising, but marketing to new residents is still the most effective lead generation instrument for small businesses. Even in today’s world of electronic mail campaigns and social media, marketing new residents has the most sustainable impact because it reaches and affects potential customers before they have established options. Eddie Zaragova, manager of General Restaurant San Felipe de Shallote, could not agree more and says his four-year relationship with Bassam Safi and his new company marketing new residents, Our Town America has been the catalyst for much of his hit. “We started working with Bassam in December 2007 and currently see an average of 25-30 certificates redeemed each month,” says Zaragova. “So we are known as the ‘best Mexican food around’.” But we would not have the opportunity to demonstrate that without the help of Our Town America to get customers to try our restaurants for the first time. Bassam and his team really know how to create and promote robust offerings that bring new residents through our door, but the actual program is successful because our food and customer service wins customers for life!” Safi could not agree more. He says the success of the Our ​​Town America program is based on achieving new residents as soon as they arrive in the city with valuable offers. “We were able to generate such impressive results for small business owners like Eddie because they are willing to make a strong bid for its prospects,” says Safi. New residents are willing to try out San Felipe when they receive a personalized welcome package, because Eddie is willing to give them a free lunch or dinner when you redeem your gift certificate at one of its locations. “Offering free food, and completing it with great tasting options and great service as Eddie does, have a lasting impact on new residents that usually translates into customer loyalty in the long term.” Our Town America packages are also particularly effective for businesses like San Felipe that target Hispanic residents, as they can create bilingual gift certificates. According to Safi, many owners of small firms have reaped huge benefits of this unique feature. “I, too, was an immigrant when I came to America and knew limited English, so I know how much it means when someone is treating you in your language,” says Safi. “I can not tell you how many times one of my sponsors has been excited by the response they receive when working with us to create a bilingual offer.” There really is nothing more effective to raise customer loyalty than to talk to potential customers in a way that resonates. Speaking their language is definitely the best way to do it. Bassam Safi, a Lebanese-American owner and operator of Our Town America in the Wilmington, NC area, has truly carried and elevated the traditional “American Dream.” His business is truly helping businesses in Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte and beyond. He has become a successful franchisee in network marketing and direct sales programs. Safi and the Our Town America program help new residents and local businesses build loyal long-term relationships within their communities. If interested in marketing your business to new movers in your community, please complete a Local Business Contact Request form. Traducción Español: Es una dura realidad, pero la economía no está mejorando y los propietarios de equeños negocios en Wilmington están sintiendo la presión ya que los negocios y los consumidores siguen recortando gastos. ¿Que pueden hacer los dueño de pequeños negocios para sobrevivir cuando las cosas se ponen (y permanecen) difíciles? Esta información puede ser motivo de sorpresa, pero la nueva mercadotecnia de nuevos residentes es todavía el instrumento de generación más eficaz, y económica herramienta de generación de plomo para pequeñas empresas. Incluso en el mundo actual de campañas de correo electrónico y contratación de medios de comunicación social, la nueva mercadotecnia de residentes nuevos tiene el impacto más sostenible porque esto alcanza y afecta a clientes potenciales antes de que ellos hayan establecido opciones “Donde Ir” para sus necesidades. Eddie Zaragova, Gerente General del Restaurante San Felipe de Shallote, no podía estar más de acuerdo y afirma que su relación de cuatro años con Bassam Safi y su nueva empresa de mercadotecnia de nuevos residentes, Our Town America ha sido el catalizador para gran parte de su éxito “Comenzamos a trabajar con Bassam en Diciembre del 2007 y vemos actualmente un promedio de 25-30 certificados redimidos por mes,” dice Zaragova. “Somos conocidos como “la mejor comida mexicana alrededor.” Pero no tendríamos la oportunidad de demostrar sin la ayuda de Our Town America a obtener clientes que prueben nuestros restaurantes por primera vez. Bassam y su equipo saben de verdad cómo crear y promover ofertas sólidas que traen nuevos residentes a nuestra puerta, pero el programa es realmente exitoso porque nuestros alimentos y servicio al cliente gana a aquellos clientes de por vida!” Safi no podía estar más de acuerdo. Dice que el éxito del programa Our Town America se basa en alcanzar nuevos residentes tan pronto como llegan a la ciudad con valiosas ofertas. “Hemos sido capaces de generar esos resultados impresionantes para dueños de pequeños negocios como Eddie porque están dispuestos a hacer una oferta fuerte para sus perspectivas,” dice Safi. “ Los nuevos residentes están dispuestos a probar San Felipe cuando reciben nuestro paquete de bienvenida personalizado, porque Eddie está dispuesto a darles un almuerzo o cena gratis cuando redimen su certificado de regalo en una de sus localidades. Ofrecer una comida gratis, y completándola con opciones de gran sabor y un servicio fantástico como Eddie lo hace, tiene un impacto duradero en nuevos residentes que normalmente se traduce en la lealtad del cliente a largo plazo”. Los paquetes […]

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Sisters Find Success Helping Local Businesses

Local Businesses Philadelphia Our Town America

Six years ago, sisters Heather Wahl and Jess Damiani were both unemployed and wondering how they’d make ends meet for themselves and their children. Today, Wahl and Damiani are supporting their families — while helping new families get acquainted with their communities. Wahl and Damiani are franchisees with Our Town America, a nationwide company that connects local businesses with new residents in their communities through direct mailings of gift certificates and free product offers from local companies. “It takes the trauma out of moving into your new home,” said Damiani. “It’s a vehicle for mom-and-pop stores to reach out to their local community. It’s also a vehicle for national companies to have that small-town feel.” The sisters have been so successful — they’ve been top franchisees for the past three years — that CEO Michael Plummer surprised them during the company’s national convention by giving them a new territory, for free. “I wanted to give them something that’s equal to their efforts and allows them the opportunity to grow,” said Plummer, who also presented the sisters with personalized watches. “I wanted to give them more than a trinket. They earned it.” Wahl, who lives in Warrington, was the first to discover Our Town America. After losing her job in commercial construction, she started a vending company and was looking to buy routes when she stumbled upon the company. “I went over to Jessica’s and said ‘Hey, what do you think about this?’ She was like, ‘OK.’ It was that simple,” Wahl said. “It fit into our lifestyle, the flexibility of it, being able to make our own hours. It wasn’t a big investment. There was no overhead, no brick-and-mortar storefront. It couldn’t have been better for us.” They scraped together the money to buy franchise territories surrounding their own neighborhoods. They scheduled visits with businesses around their children’s schedules. “It was easy for us to pick the kids up, drop them off at school, go on field trips,” said Damiani, who lives in Lower Providence. “We were still very close to home. As we became more successful, we expanded that (territory).” Today, their territory includes all of Bucks County and parts of Montgomery, Chester and Delaware counties and parts of New Jersey. About three years ago, the sisters hired an assistant who makes cold calls to local businesses and schedules their one-on-one appointments. But it wasn’t always so easy. A few times, they were tempted to give up on the business, Wahl said. “My skill sets weren’t built yet,” Damiani said. “I didn’t have the experience under my belt. I don’t think I had found my groove.” But the sisters kept at it, driven by their desire to succeed and a healthy dose of competition. “It was hard,” Damiani said. “And it was scary. But once we got our feet wet and saw we could do this, we really took off.” Wahl, 42, and Damiani, 43, said being in business together has strengthened their relationship and allowed them to be there for their kids, who range in age from 9 to 13 years old. “It’s giving me a lot of freedom to be the mom that I would want to be for my kid,” Wahl said. “I ran the book fair at her school. I volunteered every Monday when she was in third and fourth grade. It’s allowed me to give the appearance of a stay-at-home mom for my daughter but also work. There’s no amount of money that can replace that. And financially, we’re doing well. People ask me, ‘How good can that be?’ It supports two families. You tell me.” Read article here as well… Source: PhillyBurbs.com Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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