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The Stresses of Moving – WBTV Charlotte

Our Town America Charlotte Moving Stress

WBTV Charlotte (June 2018) – It’s no secret Charlotte is booming, ranked #19 on FORBES’ 2018 “Fastest Growing Cities List.” Right in time for May’s National Moving Month, a recent local survey reveals relocating here – and anywhere – will cause major stress on relationships. The local survey polled recent movers and reveals relocation scars personal relationships as couples fight over why they moved and where they moved while struggling with money problems and decreased intimacy. And get this – many recent movers admitted they secretly got revenge on their partner right before the move with “dirty dumping”.  More than 1 in 3 new movers admitted to “accidentally losing” a significant other’s prized possessions or purposefully tossing it in the Goodwill bag. Commissioned by Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing company, the survey of 300+ men and women who have recently relocated also revealed: Kids compound the problem – couples put their relationships on the back burner after a move because they’re paranoid about “finding the right school” for their kids and “helping them make new friends” – the top two child-related moving stressors. Unfriendly neighbors add to the stress – nearly half (49%) of survey respondents said meeting new neighbors is key to feeling comfortable in their new home, but say their neighbors are “too busy” and “aren’t as friendly” as the neighbors they remember as a child. Housewarming gifts are rare, but important – 88% of respondents said that receiving a housewarming gift would make them feel more comfortable in a new home, yet less than half (46%) have ever received a housewarming gift. This survey was released during the busiest moving time of the year.   These results are particularly timely as more than 40 million Americans are expected to relocate this year, and most will make their move during summer months when the weather is nice, and kids are out of school. Watch the WBTV Charlotte clip below.  If interested in partnering with your local New Mover Marketing experts, Jane and Tom McElhaney of Our Town America Charlotte, please complete a Contact Form or call 704-906-7434. Our Town America is a national franchise who supports businesses across the nation year round. Non-Charlotte area businesses can reach out to Our Town America directly to get in touch with their local representative at 800-497-8360. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Our Town America’s Franchisee Success Series: Clint Finch, Houston TX

Entrepreneur Our Town America Be Your Own Boss

Clint Finch loves to travel with his wife, Michelle. Cruises are their go-to. “We do at least two cruises a year,” says Finch, of Houston, Texas. He says it’s one of the perks the family enjoys now that he is a successful owner and regional developer with Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise. Michelle is getting ready to embark on a cruise to celebrate their youngest daughter’s high school graduation. “I won’t be joining them this time. It’s a ‘girls only’ trip,” Finch says. It was the thought of spending more time with his daughters that propelled Finch’s transition from the corporate setting into the world of entrepreneurship. “I remember it clearly,” he says. “We were living in the Dallas area, and I remember taking my then eight and five-year-old daughters to vacation bible school. While I was simply dropping the girls off, other parents were staying to serve as volunteers. Between work-related travel obligations and other office commitments, I couldn’t join in the fun. That’s when I decided it was time to take control of my schedule.” Before Our Town America came along, Finch was thriving as a corporate executive, spending two and a half decades in advertising and sales for publishing companies. It was advice from his first boss, who remains a mentor to this day, that Finch will always remember. “He told me ‘you never get rich working for someone else.’ I have always had a drive to do my own thing, manage my own time and finances.” In 2005, with Michelle’s blessing, Finch acted on his intuition and branched out on his own. “I was considering another franchise system, along with a local business in the Dallas-Fort Worth area,” Finch says. He chose Our Town America, because of a previous interaction. “When I moved into my home from Houston to Dallas, I remember receiving a welcome package from Our Town America. I was new in the area, I had yet to establish any relationships with local businesses, and the welcoming package gave me that opportunity.” With his business partner, Finch was ready to join the Our Town America family with a purchase in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Immediately, he felt at home. “First thing when I met the Plummer family, including Michael, Sr. and Michael, Jr., I knew these were people I could trust,” Finch recalls. “The industry was one with which I was familiar and comfortable.” That wasn’t the case for his wife Michelle. First, a school teacher, and then a stay at hone Mom, to raise their two daughters, she wasn’t initiated in the world of sales. Finch says that didn’t slow her down one bit. “When I was at the corporate office in Tampa for training, Michelle called me to inform me she was going to set up sales appointments,” Finch recalls. “I was a little concerned. She had never experienced the rejection that can happen in sales, but I definitely underestimated her, because the very next day she scheduled three appointments for me the day I returned back home.” Michelle was particularly instrumental with their success in the Dallas-Fort Worth area; specifically, when Clint took an assignment with a former employer back in Houston. Clint was pulling double-duty, operating as both a corporate executive as well as Our Town America owner, but he says it was his wife who was carrying the heavy load during that period. Finch says it’s Our Town America’s brilliantly designed business model that helps owners become prosperous, no matter their previous sales experience. He credits the residual income that Our Town America produces, as well as the magnificent support from those on the corporate team, that makes operating the business efficient and profitable. “I can’t imagine another company providing this amount of support. You can earn money on day one.” However, he cautions, the system requires one major sacrifice. “You have to put in the hard work,” says Finch. “The opportunity for income, the opportunity to dictate your own schedule and lifestyle, it is there. However, you can’t have the mindset of ‘I own a business, so I am going to make money.’ No. you have to be ready to hustle.” The pay-off has certainly been worth it for the Finch family. Clint and Michelle work together. “She handles the tough side of the business: the appointments, the operations. I simply talk to people, something I truly enjoy.” Finch says the key to his success is not actually selling Our Town America to clients. “The key is to not think of it as how many people can I sell. The key is to show people how I can help grow their business. Our Town America has created the perfect product for new movers, business owners, as well as for us as franchisees.” Being in Houston also doesn’t hurt, according to Finch.  “Our move rates are always good, and the people are extremely nice here,. We have a diverse base of businesses which is particularly good for us, because we can help them grow.” Clint and Michelle Finch have grown together for more than three-plus decades, including 28 years of marriage. Working together at Our Town America has afforded them the opportunity for a better work-life balance together, but more time with their family. There are hopes the Our Town America business stays in the family when it’s time for Clint and Michelle to retire. “That’s the ultimate goal, to keep it in the family. Everything I do and have done is for my family. Our Town America has provided a great living for my family.” While he’s a little disappointed he won’t be with his family on this latest cruise, not all is lost. “While the cruise would be nothing short of awesome, I will spend some time on the golf course, so it all works out.” Time he’ll get to enjoy, all because of his decision to join Our Town America. Do you want to realize your own business ownership dreams, […]

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The Financial Stress of Moving – KNXV Phoenix

Our Town America The Valley Moving Stress

KNXV Phoenix (June 2018) – It’s no secret that Phoenix is booming, ranked #11 on FORBES’ 2018 “Fastest Growing Cities List.” A recent local survey reveals relocating to Phoenix – or anywhere – will cause major stress on relationships. The survey polled recent movers and reveals relocation scars personal relationships as couples fight over why they moved and where they moved while struggling with money problems and decreased intimacy. Many recent movers even admitted they secretly got revenge on their partner right before the move with “dirty dumping”.  More than 1 in 3 new movers admitted to “accidentally losing” a significant other’s prized possessions or purposefully tossing it in the Goodwill bag. Commissioned by Our Town America, the nation’s premier New Mover Marketing company, the survey of 300+ men and women who have recently relocated also revealed: Kids compound the problem – couples put their relationships on the back burner after a move because they’re paranoid about “finding the right school” for their kids and “helping them make new friends” – the top two child-related moving stressors. Unfriendly neighbors add to the stress – nearly half (49%) of survey respondents said meeting new neighbors is key to feeling comfortable in their new home, but say their neighbors are “too busy” and “aren’t as friendly” as the neighbors they remember as a child. Housewarming gifts are rare, but important – 88% of respondents said that receiving a housewarming gift would make them feel more comfortable in a new home, yet less than half (46%) have ever received a housewarming gift. This survey was released during the busiest moving time of the year.   These results are particularly timely as more than 40 million Americans are expected to relocate this year, and most will make their move during summer months when the weather is nice, and kids are out of school. Watch the KNXV Phoenix clip below.  If interested in partnering with your local New Mover Marketing expert, Susan Nagi of Our Town America The Valley, please complete a Contact Form or call 480-678-1366. Our Town America is a national franchise who supports businesses across the nation year round. Non-Phoenix area businesses can reach out to Our Town America directly to get in touch with their local representative at 800-497-8360. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Our Town America: Helping Gyms & Fitness Centers Boost their Bottom Line

Our Town America Helps Fitness Centers and Gyms Get Customers

Club Insider — A revamped economy is fueling a recent surge in wages, new homes and America’s migration habits. The pendulum of homeowners on the move, stagnant throughout most of the decade, is gradually swinging upwards. New Mover Marketing firm Our Town America, the nation’s first and fastest growing new mover marketing franchise, is happily connecting residents to the local businesses that are the lifeblood of their new communities. As people move and adjust to their new city, Our Town America discovered that fitness centers are playing a major role in uniting new residents with friendly faces. The full gamut of fitness centers – ranging from national gym chains to CrossFit centers – are capitalizing on the uptick in moving. Our Town America is the perfect platform and partner for fitness centers looking to get a jump on new residents, and ultimately, new clients. They offer a strategic model that provides New Mover Marketing solutions through direct mail for local businesses eager to welcome new residents to the neighborhood. This includes gyms and fitness centers trying to replace members that have moved away with the people that moved into their homes. Each month, Our Town America helps gyms and fitness centers reach thousands of new movers across the country settling into their new neighborhoods. Those residents are sent warm, personalized offers from gyms and fitness centers in a customized Welcome Package that allows owners and managers to track and monitor their return on investment. But don’t take our word for it. Here are three gym owners who have dealt directly with Our Town America and are enjoying the results: Kristen Iuppenlatz – Pilates Collective in Sebastopol, CA: “Our Town America is the most effective local marketing program I’ve used in my eleven years in business because it generates long-term customers,” says Kristen Iuppenlatz, owner of Pilates Collective in Sebastopol, CA. Iuppenlatz has been offering a free introductory session (up to $85 value) to an average of more than 130 new movers each month since January. In fact, she says Our Town America introduced her to more than a dozen new movers within the first year who signed up for a five-session introductory offer and became loyal customers.     Michael Murphy – Anytime Fitness in Saint Petersburg, FL: Saint Petersburg, FL Anytime Fitness franchise owner, Michael Murphy, has been offering one free month of unlimited membership PLUS a free personal training session and thank you gift to new movers since September 2014. He says the key to his success is using the Our Town America program to get movers in the door which allows him to engage the entire family with the same offer. “I reach up to 1,000 new movers per month with Our Town America,” says Murphy. “I extend the same offer to ALL immediate family members when a new mover redeems the gift certificate.”     Brian Vest – YMCA in Charlotte, NC: “Our Town America is the most intentional and impactful marketing we’ve ever done at the YMCA,” says Brian Vest, Associate Executive Director at the Morrison Family YMCA in Charlotte. Vest offers one free month of membership. “Hundreds of new movers are finding the YMCA on purpose now, not by accident.   Our Town America is a strong partner for fitness centers across the country. Contact Our Town today to “work out” a deal that will help you replace those who’ve moved away with new, loyal members! Contact: sales@ourtownamerica.com or 800-497-8360 ext. 226 Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Franchisee Success Series: Chris Beer on Family-First Culture

Family Culture

God, football and his franchise – it sounds like something straight out of a “Welcome to America” pamphlet, but these things are essential to Chris Beer’s livelihood. He has carried a passion for sports, for as long as he can remember. “We are a football family. It stems as far back as my Grandfather who played without a helmet, to my Dad who played with a leather helmet and now I’ve passed it down to my children,” Beer’s passion for football is surpassed by his love for God and family. And it’s his work with Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise that allows him to fully enjoy his life’s passion to the fullest! The Virginia native graduated from James Madison University with a marketing and business management degree. Beer applied the same discipline and mental toughness needed on the athletic field. He ran track and played football during his high school and collegiate years. Several injuries and a family illness kept Beer from playing his senior year in college. “This is when I decided to buckle down and direct my energy toward gaining success in the business world!” says Beer. “After graduating from college, low on funds, and in need of employment, I had an idea to stand in front of a grocery store and approach every sales representative that walked through the doors,” says Beer. “Thankfully, after telling him I was fresh out of college and in debt, the grocery store manager respected my gumption and approved of my plan. I got a bunch of business cards and made several positive connections. I was really close to landing a job when a headhunter put me in touch with my first employer. It was an experience that taught me, at a young age, that capturing an opportunity is possible through reaching out to people and clearly communicating goals and objectives.” Beer is a proud husband and father of three grown children: two sons and one daughter. He is also the successful owner of Our Town America of Atlanta. For 20 years, he has enjoyed connecting new residents with a wide variety of businesses in the Southeast’s largest city. Beer says his connection with his family has never been stronger because of his Our Town America franchise. “For the first 18 years of my professional career, I didn’t have the opportunity to control my time, my income earning potential or, most importantly, the time I spent with my family and my quality of life,” says Beer. “That all changed when I invested in myself and joined the Our Town America family.” Beer joined Our Town America in 1999, after a nearly two-decade-long run with two prominent consumer products companies. He excelled in corporate sales and marketing, but the job, and the rigors that come with being on the road, were wearing him thin. “There are very few things more valuable than quality of life, but unfortunately, my professional career was interfering with my ability to spend quality time with my family,” Beer says. “I reached a point where I needed to step away from working for corporations and strike out on my own.” The Beer family was quickly introduced to the perils that come with working for big conglomerates. “Two weeks after our honeymoon, I learned I was being transferred from Roanoke, Virginia, to Charleston, South Carolina,” recalls Beer. “We were in Charleston for under a year. Thirty days after buying a house there, I was transferred to Atlanta. That’s when my wife jokingly asked if this is what our life was going to be like forever.”   Married for 33 years, Beer credits his wife for his success. “I have the most supportive wife in the world,” he says. “Her belief in me and my desire to be an entrepreneur during the early years is the main reason why I am here today. You have to have a spouse who is supportive because making the transition from employer to entrepreneur is scary.” Family lineage also played a huge factor according to Beer. He is a third-generation American — his grandparents first arrived in the US via Ellis Island. “Both sets of grandparents instilled the need to work hard, set goals and look for opportunity,” Beer says. “My great-grandfather spoke five different languages, but no English. They were humble beginnings, and I learned how to listen and learn from them.” Beer says his dad also played a role in sacking any apprehension he might have had about leaving corporate life to become self-employed. His dad actually left a corporate position in Michigan and moved the family to Virginia in an effort to realize his personal dreams and improve the family’s quality of life. “It was a tough decision leaving a comfortable salary, benefits, and a corporate vehicle,” Beer says. “But I inherited a leap-of-faith mentality from my dad. I knew it was time to better control my quality of life.” After a brief experience as an owner with a different, less targeted direct mail marketing franchise, Beer wasn’t satisfied. That’s when he conducted even more research and got in touch with Our Town America’s founder Michael Plummer Sr. It didn’t take long before he knew he had found the perfect match with the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise. “I was on the verge of rejoining the corporate work force after my first crack at entrepreneurship didn’t turn out the way I wanted,” Beer says. “Michael and I talked, and he sent me some information. After a lot of soul searching and praying with my wife, I called Michael back and we had a tremendous conversation. Sixty days after our initial conversation, I was signing the paperwork to open an Our Town America franchise in Atlanta.” Beer flew down to corporate headquarters in Tampa, but he wasn’t traveling solo. “My wife and three kids joined me during my first training session,” Beer says. “That’s how amazing Our Town America is as a company. The fact that […]

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Cleveland Woman is $3,000 New Mover Survey Winner!

Our Town America 2017 New Mover Survey Winner

Cleveland, OH (April 2018) – When Danelle Daniels moved to Cleveland, she didn’t anticipate a housewarming gift worth thousands of dollars. On Tuesday, the Cleveland-based franchise owner of Our Town America, the nation’s leading new mover marketing company, presented Daniels with a $3,000 check after naming her the grand prize winner of our 2017 National New Mover Survey. “We are thrilled to celebrate and support anyone who calls the Cleveland area home,” said Dave Handa, Cleveland’s Our Town America franchise owner. “Like so many other new residents, we’re grateful she took the time to fill out our survey. It’s our turn to show our appreciation of her choice to move to a great city.” Daniels was one of the thousands of new movers across the country to complete the annual survey included in the Our Town America welcoming package — a personalized collection of free offers from local businesses, like Cleveland’s Rivals Sports Grille where Daniels received a giant oversized check for $3,000. A New Mover gift certificate led Daniels to the friendly neighborhood bar, and now Rivals Sports Grille has become one of her favorite new restaurants. Owner John Simmons says he enjoys connecting with new residents like Daniels through the Welcome Package— it’s one of many reasons he relies on Our Town America to introduce his business to Cleveland’s growing community. “A housewarming gift is supposed to make someone feel welcome and accepted,” said Simmons. “We want every new resident to feel like there’s always a seat for them at our table.” No word yet on how Daniels will spend her winnings, but she can of course spend the $3,000 to buy additional goods and services from local businesses! Dave Handa with Our Town America says the New Mover Survey is an excellent opportunity for local businesses and newcomers to Cleveland. “We’re learning more from new movers nationwide,” said Handa. “Danelle’s big win showcases how important it is for local business owners to reach out to new movers who appreciate their support as they settle into their new community.” “Moving was a huge step for my son and I, I’m thankful for the Our Town America package, because it helped during our busy transition. Thank you for caring and making us feel welcome,” said Daniels. Cleveland-area businesses interested in the Our Town America program can complete a Contact Form or call franchise owner Dave Handa at 440-376-1254.  For more information on the annual New Mover Survey, we invite you to explore our website. Want to see who the 2016 winner was? Click Here. [/column][/row][/lead] Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Boise Business Owners Teach Middle Schoolers a Valuable Lesson

We Dine Together Our Town America Boise

KTVB Boise (April 2018) — The cafeteria—the loneliest (and scariest) place for any anxious middle schooler—but not at Eagle Middle School Thursday,  April 12th morning. Armed with dozens of free donuts, a few icebreakers, and a little encouragement, two local business owners teamed up to help students make new friends and feel less isolated. “My family moved around a lot, so I know what it feels like to always be the ‘new kid,’” recalled Amy Hecht, a former Eagle Middle School teacher, turned local business owner. “As an educator, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact of bullying and loneliness on children who are doing their best to fit in at school. We want them to know that we see them, and we care about them.” Making new residents feel welcomed in Boise is the mission of Hecht’s successful business Our Town America, a new mover marketing franchise. After learning about the “We Dine Together” movement — a national student-led initiative that helps students from all walks of life feel included— from a recent “Seven’s Hero” feature by KTVB’s very own Maggie O’Mara, Hecht joined forces with Prum Nouhem, the owner of DK Donuts. Together, they lead by example. With a passion for activism and youth, both entrepreneurs are inspiring Boise’s youngest residents to embrace newcomers and learn more about their community. “Our kids represent the best of Boise, and it’s up to the grownups to support them,” said Nouhem, an immigrant who now calls Treasure Valley home after escaping political persecution in Cambodia. “We want a world where everyone can work toward peace, and that starts with encouraging our kids to believe in themselves.” Dozens of students enjoyed freshly baked donuts and friendly conversation with their classmates and teachers Thursday. Hecht and Nouhem have issued a challenge to other local business owners, asking them to donate food, supplies, and lessons in leadership for future “We Dine Together” events. “We can’t just tell them to make new friends, we have to show them how to do it,” said Hecht. “That means giving them space and the resources to make our world a better place.” Watch the KTVB Boise clip below for full story. To contact Amy Hecht of Our Town America of Boise, ID, complete a Contact Form or call 208-866-9540. Brittany N. JohnsonBrittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations. […]

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Direct Mail Still Works: How To Use Tech To Elevate Traditional Marketing

Direct Mail Still Works: How To Use Tech To Elevate Traditional Marketing

Forbes — Direct mail may sound old-fashioned and outdated in today’s technological world, but if we only utilized new forms of advertising, there would be no Super Bowl ads — or TV ads, period (television has been airing for the masses since the 1940s). There would be no radio ads (America has been listening to radio programs since the 1920s). We wouldn’t do trade shows (those have been around since the 1800s). Even some modern-day marketing strategies are growing gray hairs, as email has been around since the early 1970s and internet advertising was launched in the 1990s. Direct mail — especially niche-based, targeted direct mail such as the new mover marketing program we offer at Our Town America — has endured because it works. Helping local businesses create valuable, long-term relationships by delivering thoughtful and personalized gift certificates direct to new mover doorsteps is what we do. It’s in our DNA. Sure, it’s old-school, print-based advertising, but it’s effective because it can reach a niche customer base when they’re interested in finding new, go-to solutions for everyday needs (groceries, hair care, restaurants, etc.). That’s the key to effective marketing, both online and offline: the ability to reach customers when they’re actively searching for answers. And in today’s world, technology plays a pivotal role in determining who those customers are and where/how they’re searching for solutions. You must always be open to embracing new technology — even if it’s in conjunction with an old-school form of advertising — that helps you efficiently reach and influence target audiences. So what if you own a direct mail company and know you need to evolve? Or perhaps you’re a business owner considering direct mail marketing and you want to be sure the company you choose “gets it.” Keep these three things in mind: Technology Is Still Essential To Key-In On Target Audiences Direct mail efforts without demographic-based strategies can be a waste of money. These days, you can use technology to pinpoint target audiences. If your core customer group is within two miles of your place of business, don’t send to a 10-mile radius. If your products are best-suited for senior citizens, don’t send offers to millennials. And if you want apartment dwellers, it’s silly to send direct mail to McMansions. Too many businesses throw money to the wind because they aren’t specific about reaching their core audiences at the right time. Technology affords us the ability to only send to specific zip codes, neighborhoods, etc. Create Human Connections With Customers Ready To Act … And Track Redemptions That is, when you send potential customers gift certificates to try out your business, include a tracking mechanism (like a QR or barcode on the certificate that you can scan). This should be done so that if they redeem your offer, you will know it’s being used. This also helps you secure their contact info, so you can follow up with an additional offer, thank them for being a customer and invite them back. All customers want to feel appreciated. But they don’t just want discounts or coupons — they want real, thoughtful offers (such as a free pizza, not just 10% off). That’s the key to inspiring action and increasing redemptions — getting them in the door when they’re ready to act and delivering an unbelievable in-store experience that keeps them coming back for years. This is the human factor of direct mail that technological advancements don’t compromise — the opportunity to send a real, tangible, personalized offer delivered directly to someone’s doorstep. Don’t Let Technological Advancements Scare You Away From Direct Mail Look, it’s easy to think that direct mail doesn’t work because everyone’s using the internet to find out where they’re going and what they’re buying. But that’s actually a reason direct mail could be beneficial. Potential customers can be overwhelmed by all the information they find online and don’t know where to turn. You’ve got that person’s mailbox, sometimes to yourself, and you can use technology as a facilitator to help connect with potential customers in a direct way. So it’s important to remember that technology is your friend. Implement tiny aspects of it to create a personal touch and avoid bombarding potential customers with emails and push notifications. The internet is a technological marvel, but everyone uses it. Seeing an ad on the internet is like looking at the night sky and picking out a favorite star. They all look the same after a while. But that’s where direct mail — if you use it properly — can separate your business from the crowd … especially when you’re using technology to elevate the reach and impact of direct mail programs. And, besides, as the saying goes: Everything old is new again!   Michael Plummer, Jr.Michael Plummer, Jr. is Our Town America’s President and CEO. Michael strategically leads Our Town America while maintaining our core principals of connecting new residents to the local businesses in their communities. www.ourtownamerica.com […]

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Larry Neal Multi-Unit Michigan Owner

Franchisee Success Series Larry Neal Our Town America

“I wish we would have done it earlier,” says Larry Neal, speaking about his experience with Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise. Neal and his wife, Paulette, became Our Town America owners 12 years ago in Detroit, and they haven’t looked back after making the life-changing decision. “I have no regrets,” says Neal. “Our Town America is a different company. The franchisee/franchisor relationship is extremely strong. Corporate will do anything and everything to help fuel your success.” Neal, an avid reader, says the Our Town America business model is just one of several factors that play to his success. He is quick to give credit to his Christian beliefs. “Our faith in Jesus Christ directs us in everything we do,” Neal says. In the early 1960s, Neal made the decision to leave his small town of Ironton, Ohio, nestled along the Ohio River bordering both Kentucky and West Virginia, to enlist in the Army. “In my family, no one went to college,” says Neal. “Very few people in my high school went to college. Graduation from high school meant either working at the steel mill or a life in the military. I chose the Army.” Neal spent three years in the Army, including one year in Vietnam, just as the war was escalating. “I was just a little boy, 17 and you think you’re a grown man,” he says. “You don’t know anything. My experience in the Army was eye opening. The culture, it opened my eyes and showed me there was more to the world than just a little town in southern Ohio. I enjoyed the experience of the Army.” After leaving the Army, Neal worked for a giant multinational chemical corporation in sales. Several times he was able to avoid layoffs, but after 25 productive years he decided to take a retirement package. That didn’t necessarily mean he was retired. Neal had already begun building homes as a part-time job. Now that he was “retired”, Neal was able to focus on building homes on a full-time basis. Like any successful journey, Neal encountered a few bumps in the road. For Neal, it came during the onset of the Great Recession in the 2000s. “I was building homes and then the economy started to take a turn for the worse,” Neal says. “Paulette and I couldn’t afford not to work. I knew at my age that it would be hard for me to get a job. We made the decision that we would have to go the entrepreneurial route.” The Neals consulted with a franchise broker who gave them a few options. Those options included a bagel franchise, a fire, water and restoration franchise, and Our Town America. The Neals quickly decided on Our Town America. “Our Town America was very inexpensive with very little overhead,” Neal says. “It fit my sales niche, it didn’t require a physical building or any employees, I was able to run my business the way I saw fit. Our Town America is a phenomenal organization.” In 2006, the Neals became the proud owners of their first Our Town America franchise in Detroit. Now, the couple has three franchises under their belt. “Detroit gets a bad rap,” Neal says. “Sure, there are bad apples, but that doesn’t represent what I’ve grown to love about the metro area. You need two things to be successful as an Our Town America owner: movers and businesses. There is an influx of movers moving in. And there are thousands of businesses in the Detroit metro area that I haven’t stepped foot in. The potential is unlimited here. Detroit is a great blue-collar town because of the Big Three (Chevrolet, Chrysler and Ford). It’s a great place to live and a great place to own a business.” Larry handles the sales and customer service. Paulette oversees the back-end work. The pair is thriving, both professionally and personally. “I can easily say I love her more now than I did 40 years ago,” Larry says. “Operating a business together isn’t all peaches and cream, but I can’t imagine ever doing this without her. She is my rock and support. When I’ve had a bad day and I feel that everything is going wrong, she comforts me. She’ll boost my confidence.” After 12 years as an Our Town America owner, Larry’s confidence is as strong as the steel produced in his hometown. That confidence is the sum of hard work, perseverance, and faith. “I would leave my house the first two-and-a-half years of owning the business at 8:30am and wouldn’t come home until 5pm,” Larry says. “I was knocking on doors, trying to get appointments or making presentations. In our first year we earned the ‘Rookie of the Year’ award. At the end of our second year, we won the title of ‘Franchisee of the Year.’” Having the right work ethic and being a self-starter is a must, according to Larry, if you’re interested in becoming a franchise owner. Larry says Our Town America’s business model set him up for the success. “I’m a firm believer that you have to have sales experience to be successful. It takes years to be a good sales person, but Our Town America will give you all the support you need. It’s a great organization. We have so many tools to make us successful. If you’re struggling in any way, the corporate office is there to give you support. When you talk with other franchise owners, you’ll learn that the relationship between franchisee and franchisor is surreal. You don’t have that friction with franchisees here at Our Town America.” Larry has the utmost respect for Our Town America’s corporate headquarters. And he says the respect is mutual. “It is truly like family,” Larry says. “Both with the franchise owners and the corporate office. There are few companies where you can pick up the phone and call a CEO and go to a ballgame. But you have that relationship here at […]

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Using attractively designed mail pieces for prospective customers.

Direct Mail Marketing

Get Higher Response Rates with Direct Mail Marketing. When business owners reach out to new customers in their communities, they turn to direct mail marketing. It is effective and relatively inexpensive, compared to other forms of advertising, such as radio and television. What is Direct Mail Marketing? Direct mail marketing is the use of attractively designed mail pieces – from postcards to brochures to catalogs and everything in between – which are mailed directly to the homes of prospective customers. Business owners usually choose standard direct mail, which blankets the entire ZIP Code, sending ad pieces to every address regardless of who lives there. This can be more expensive and less effective than New Mover Marketing, which targets new residents. How Does Direct Mail Marketing Work? Our Town America mails a welcome package containing gift certificates from local businesses to the homes of new residents, allowing you to reach a unique and profitable customer base. We obtain an accurate and timely list of new addresses and mail the welcome package only to those addresses every month. Direct Mail Marketing Campaign – Get Higher Response Rates Here are just a few reasons why mailing to unique addresses every month provides a higher response rate than standard direct marketing: When people move to a new town or neighborhood, they must find new local businesses to create their new network of resources. Our welcome packages direct new movers to our partnered businesses locations. New residents spend five times as much as established residents in the 12 months after they move in. New residents are very receptive to Our Town America’s decorative welcome package, which contains housewarming gift certificates from local businesses. The businesses gift certificates are specifically designed to create customer response. New mover campaigns can be designed to attract new customers. From free pizza to discounted kitchen supplies, homeowners will redeem gift certificates for products and services they need. Marketing studies show that 80 percent of new movers redeem gift certificates from local vendors. Why Our Town America for your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign? Our Town America’s New Mover Marketing program has been refined for more than 45 years. By obtaining the most accurate new mover address lists available, we help businesses save money and gain new, loyal customers who are uniquely positioned to respond to your marketing campaigns. Let us help you welcome new families to the neighborhood! John GuerraJohn is a guest blogger for Our Town America and previously worked in national sales at our Clearwater, FL corporate headquarters. www.ourtownamerica.com […]

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