May’s National Moving Month kicks off the start of the summer moving season. The weather is starting to warm up and it’s a great time to make the transition to a new location. While the unfortunate Coronavirus pandemic has no doubt made an impact on the economy, a new national survey commissioned by Our Town America shows many people are actually looking to move – some as a result of the current crisis. The survey of 1,000 people across America answers the question of whether or not people will relocate homes due to Coronavirus and offers responses that might shock you! Getting Personal The survey first gathered personal information to gain a better understanding of the context for responses. Our diverse pool of respondents is a good representation of the general population’s thoughts during the moving season. When asked, what is your age? 9.6% said Generation Z (18-23 years old) 32.7% said Millennials (24-39 years old) 27.5% said Generation X (40-55 years old) 26.7% said Boomers (56-74 years old) 3.6% said Silent Generation (75+ years old) When asked, do you identify as male or female? 49.2% said Male 50.3% said Female 0.5% said Neither When asked, Which State do you live in? 10.0% said California 10.0% said Connecticut 10.0% said Florida 10.0% said Illinois 10.0% said Louisiana 10.0% said Massachusetts 10.0% said Michigan 10.1% said New Jersey 10.0% said New York 10.0% said Pennsylvania When asked, what is your current marital status? 31.5% said Single, never married 48.4% said Married 7.9% said Divorced 0.7% said Separated 3.5% said Widowed 7.8% said Living with partner or significant other 0.3% said Prefer not to answer When asked, how many children do you have? 45.5% said 0 17.6% said 1 23.4% said 2 8.0% said 3 3.4% said 4 1.3% said 5 0.5% said 6 0.3% said 7 0.1% said 8 or more When asked, in what type of area do you currently live? 32.4% said City 52.8% said Suburbs 14.8% said Rural When asked, how long have you lived in your current state? 1.7% said A few months 2.0% said One year 7.3% said Two to five years 6.1% said Six to ten years 6.6% said Eleven to fifteen years 5.4% said Sixteen to twenty years 19.8% said More than twenty years 51.1% said My whole life How people view the effects of Coronavirus Next, we had to identify concerns of Coronavirus in the survey takers’ current state. If someone lives in a hotspot for Coronavirus, would they consider moving? Would they consider moving because of something related to the Coronavirus? Understanding the feelings of this crisis, we were able to paint a clearer picture of our respondents’ situations. When asked, how concerned are you about Coronavirus in your area? 51.0% said Very concerned 31.7% said Somewhat concerned 12.4% said Moderately concerned 4.9% said Not at all concerned When asked, how do you feel about where you live right now? (Choose best answer) 4.5% said I hate it 7.3% said I don’t like it 26.2% said It’s OK, but I feel as if I need a change 31.1% said I like it 11.2% said I love it, but I feel like I need to move 19.8% said I love it and I’m never moving When asked, you live in one of the hotspot States for Coronavirus. Would you consider moving? 41.7% said Yes 58.3% said No When asked, would you consider moving because of anything related to the coronavirus? 26.0% said Yes 74.0% said No When asked, how strongly would you consider a move? (Choose best answer) 36.5% said Very strongly 50.8% said Somewhat strongly 12.7% said Would mildly consider When asked, what is it related to Coronavirus that makes you consider moving? (Select all that apply) 41.5% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my health or the health of my family member(s) 43.5% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my finances 37.3% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my mental well-being 25.8% said Because of the coronavirus, I lost work/my job and/or my business is suffering 33.1% said I’m tired of stay-at-home orders 35.4% said I want my freedom and want lesser restrictions 23.8% said the coronavirus may take (and/or has already taken) a toll on my relationships Driving forces to move because of the pandemic The next section shows when, where and why people would move due to Coronavirus. So many options for people to consider! When asked, when would you move? (Choose best answer) 19.6% said as fast as I can. I want out! 8.1% said This spring 16.5% said This summer 12.7% said This fall 6.5% said This winter 17.7% said Sometime next year 18.8% said Sometime in the next few years When asked, how strongly would you consider a move if there’s a second wave of Coronavirus where you live? (Choose best answer) 16.2% said Very strongly 18.2% said Somewhat strongly 27.0% said Would mildly consider 38.7% said Would not consider at all When asked, would you want to move to an area that was less effected by the Coronavirus? (Had fewer Coronavirus cases and deaths compared to where you live now) 53.3% said Yes 46.7% said No When asked, why do you want to move to an area less effected by the Coronavirus? (Select all that apply) 29.0% said Fewer people 39.5% said Less chance of me and my family catching coronavirus 26.6% said Less chance of another resurgence of coronavirus that shuts down the whole area 9.7% said My area will have bad memories of coronavirus and I need to get away 27.0% said Need a new place for a fresh start 16.7% said I want to live in an area that has/had looser restrictions or no restrictions at all. 44.2% said I want peace of mind for me and my family 31.8% said I want somewhere less expensive to live 27.7% said I want to […]
Survey Says: Will People Move Homes During the Coronavirus Pandemic?