Support Small Businesses during the Coronavirus Pandemic | Phoenix, AZ

Support Small Business Community Help during Coronavirus

KTVK Phoenix – Coronavirus (COVID-19) has already made an undeniable impact on the US, so small business owner of Our Town America Phoenix, David Cox, wants to urge consumers to shop local to support the local economy before its too late – whether virtually with delivery or using take-out/drive-up methods.

Despite social distancing and restrictions, local businesses are open and need our support. For every dollar spent at a small business, approximately 67 cents stay in the local community, so spending local can be a game changer in keeping businesses afloat during what could be an economically crippling crisis.

“Whether we spend online or curbside, we need to keep our dollars in our community, so our favorite shops, restaurants and service providers and their employees and families survive,” says Michael Plummer, Our Town America’s President and Founder of the ‘Shop Local Now’ Movement.

“We are leading the charge to remind folks that even though our local mom and pops have new ways to deliver products and services, they’re still alive and kicking and need us to make it through this pandemic. Instead of ordering on Amazon, I urge everyone to buy locally –while following health and safety guidelines,” Cox says.

Watch full KTVK News Clip below.

Our Town America supports small businesses across the nation 365 days per year. If you are a small/ local business looking for a way to reach out to new or current customers, visit