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*($ + one-time $0 graphics setup fee. Your ongoing monthly bill may vary based on the actual number of new movers reached.)
*($ + one-time $0 graphics setup fee. Your ongoing monthly bill may vary based on the actual number of new movers reached.)
By Placing An Order On OurTownAmerica.com, You Agree To The Following Terms:
Although Our Town America takes great measures to produce the best list available, errors will occur. If documented errors in any one mailing exceed 8% of the mailed names, Our Town America will issue a credit for the amount exceeding 8%. Our Town America retains ownership of all names derived from mailing or barcode scanning. Sponsor is invoiced upon receipt by Our Town America of the names of the current change of address counts and payment is due upon receipt of invoice. Unpaid amounts beyond 30 days are subject to 1.75% interest per month and a late fee of $20 per month.
Failure to honor the certificates issued will cause irreparable harm to Our Town America and other Sponsors and will result in the immediate termination of this Agreement. In this case, all amounts due under this Agreement for the remainder of the then current term shall be immediately due and payable. If Sponsor does not correct any other default under this Agreement within 10 days of the date Our Town America sends written notice thereof (by mail or fax), this Agreement shall terminate and all amounts due for the remainder of the term shall be immediately due and payable.
Sponsor acknowledges that if it chooses the Trial term and a competitor selects the Exclusive Term in Sponsor’s mailing area(s) at any time during the course of this Agreement, Sponsor may lose the mailing area(s) that are in conflict. Sponsor will be provided with a notice of any changes in mailing area(s) as a result of this policy. Exclusivity is per Household, based on the features chosen within this Agreement. Unused Households of the selected area not fully selected may be sold to the same OTIC Code noted above. This Agreement shall be binding on Sponsor’s successors and assigns. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State where the Company’s principal office is located. Sponsor agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the county where the Company’s principal office is located. The prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs. Company reserves the right to automatically, without prior notice, pass along to Sponsor all postal rate increases.
Sponsor acknowledges that this is the minimum term and will continue until Our Town America receives a 60 days written notice of termination, sent via Certified Mail.
Sponsor acknowledges that it has read and understands all information contained in this Agreement and will adhere to the terms and conditions contained herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties on Friday 17th of January 2025 02:39 PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT -4).
Although Our Town America takes great measures to produce the best list available, errors will occur. If documented errors in any one mailing exceed 8% of the mailed names, Our Town America will issue a credit for the amount exceeding 8%. Our Town America retains ownership of all names derived from mailing or barcode scanning. Sponsor is invoiced upon receipt by Our Town America of the names of the current change of address counts and payment is due upon receipt of invoice. Unpaid amounts beyond 30 days are subject to 1.75% interest per month and a late fee of $20 per month.
Failure to honor the certificates issued will cause irreparable harm to Our Town America and other Sponsors and will result in the immediate termination of this Agreement. In this case, all amounts due under this Agreement for the remainder of the then current term shall be immediately due and payable. If Sponsor does not correct any other default under this Agreement within 10 days of the date Our Town America sends written notice thereof (by mail or fax), this Agreement shall terminate and all amounts due for the remainder of the term shall be immediately due and payable.
Sponsor acknowledges that if it chooses the Trial term and a competitor selects the Exclusive Term in Sponsor’s mailing area(s) at any time during the course of this Agreement, Sponsor may lose the mailing area(s) that are in conflict. Sponsor will be provided with a notice of any changes in mailing area(s) as a result of this policy. Exclusivity is per Household, based on the features chosen within this Agreement. Unused Households of the selected area not fully selected may be sold to the same OTIC Code noted above. This Agreement shall be binding on Sponsor’s successors and assigns. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State where the Company’s principal office is located. Sponsor agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the county where the Company’s principal office is located. The prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs. Company reserves the right to automatically, without prior notice, pass along to Sponsor all postal rate increases.
Sponsor acknowledges that this is the minimum term and will continue until Our Town America receives a 60 days written notice of termination, sent via Certified Mail.
Sponsor acknowledges that it has read and understands all information contained in this Agreement and will adhere to the terms and conditions contained herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties on Friday 17th of January 2025 02:39 PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT -4).
Thank you for your order! Please print this page for your records. An Our Town America representative will be in touch with you shortly.
Order # SSO-COFL- 678aa3dba861a
Billed To:
The Name
On The Credit Card
Here , FL 33707
The Name
On The Credit Card
Here , FL 33707
Payment Method:
Order Date:
January 17, 2025
January 17, 2025
Order summary
Item | Price | Totals | |
Graphics Fee | |||
Order Comments: