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The Power of Combining Direct Mail and Digital Ads

Patch.com (Columbia, SC) In an ever-evolving world of marketing strategies, businesses are constantly seeking the most effective ways to reach their target audiences and leave a lasting impression. For Our Town America, a company known for its focus on direct mail, the decision to venture into the realm of digital services might seem counterintuitive at first glance. However, this strategic move has proven to be a game-changer, demonstrating the value of blending traditional and modern approaches for maximum impact.

While Our Town America has deep roots in direct mail, the company recognized the need to adapt to the times.

“We ultimately decided to venture into digital marketing due to evolving client needs and a changing business landscape,” said Jane McElhaney, Owner of Our Town America of Columbia. “Our Expansion into digital services has been a natural progression that aligns with our commitment to adapting and delivering value to customers.”

It’s a move that’s proven successful for the company that’s been around since 1972.

“As we diversified our offers to include digital marketing strategies, we’ve witnessed several key indicators or success: Increased reach and engagement, measurable analytics, enhanced targeting, optimization, complementary strategies, and positive client feedback,” said McElhaney.

A shining example of the power of combining direct mail and digital strategies comes from a local grocery store chain. Seeking to boost their mobile app downloads, they leveraged Every Door Direct Mail Postcards in conjunction with a Digital Ad campaign targeting the same mail recipients. The recipients received an app offer in their mailboxes, followed by a direct link to the App Store in a digital follow-up. The result? An impressive nearly 50% increase in app downloads during the digital campaign.

In a world where marketing strategies continue to evolve, the story of Our Town America's journey into the digital realm serves as a testament to the power of adaptation. By seamlessly blending the strengths of direct mail and digital, they have not only met evolving client needs but also set an example for businesses looking to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts.

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