Forbes Technology Council — Customers can be very loyal to businesses they’ve been patronizing for a long time. That’s great news if they’re your customers but not if they’re your competitor’s customers. Because it requires more marketing efforts to get people to change their habits, it’s essential to target consumers who are not yet anyone’s customers—otherwise known as new movers.
Marketing to new movers is designed to target people who have recently moved—people who have yet to become customers of the businesses in their new town.
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 8.4% of Americans (or roughly 27 million people), moved from state to state in 2021. They all needed to find a new dentist, new hair salon, new auto mechanic and so on. They also needed to find new restaurants they liked. To stand out from the competition, you need to make sure these potential new customers are familiar with your business name as soon as possible, optimally within the first three months.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to reach new movers is through direct mail. American businesses have been successfully using direct mail to reach customers for over 100 years. Sending them an offer to your business increases the likelihood they will patronize it.
Mass mailings were once thought to bring in the best results. The wider the net, the more fish caught. Now, with the technology available to us, direct mail lists can be targeted to reach a specific demographic best suited for a particular business. Using targeted data allows organizations to identify the people in a certain neighborhood most likely to use their services. For instance, if you run a tutoring service or daycare, you want to target families with children. And if you own a chimney cleaning and repair business, it wouldn’t make sense to send coupons to homes without fireplaces.
But direct mail, even highly-targeted direct mail, should be only a part of your new mover marketing strategy. Direct mail targeted to new movers produces a great redemption rate but is even more effective in conjunction with targeted digital ads. Mailings can encourage potential customers to visit your website. They can even use QR codes for the recipient to scan, both giving them more info about your business and giving you an idea of who is engaging with your message by use of QR code tracking capabilities.
Another technology that may help draw attention to your mailing is USPS's Informed Delivery service. This enables residents to get a digital preview of the direct mail in their email inbox before it arrives in their physical mailbox.
Social media, once considered something people did for fun, is now being embraced as an important marketing tool. According to a recent report from the Pew Research Center, 70% of Americans use social media, especially Facebook and Instagram, to connect with each other, get their news and share information. If these users get an offer in the mail, then see your business name on social media or their search engine, they are more likely to recognize your business and try it out.
As technology continues to evolve, so will new mover marketing, providing businesses with higher-targeted data, allowing them to cut marketing costs by better reaching their intended customers.
Article by Forbes Technology Council Member and President/CEO/CTO of Our Town America, Michael Plummer Jr. Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives.

Brittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations.