CBS Charlotte (November 2015) – This past Saturday, widely recognized as Small Business Saturday, Jane and Tom McElhaney of Our Town America - Charlotte drove through the city in their Our Town America-branded car to thank partnered small businesses by giving gifts of thanks for their continual hard work in the community.
Watch the clip below from CBS Charlotte for full story.
If you're a Charlotte-area business looking to team up with Our Town America - Charlotte, please call 704-341-4982 or complete an online Contact Form.
Our Town America is a national franchise who supports small businesses across the nation 365 days per year. Non-Charlotte area businesses looking to become a sponsor business in your community can reach out to Our Town America directly to get in touch with their local representative at 800-497-8360 or complete a Contact Form.
If interested in opening a franchise in your area, please visit the Franchise section of our website or call 800-497-8360 ext.236.
Brittany is the head of Our Town America’s corporate marketing department. She specializes in digital and print media, social media, and public relations.